Senior Data Analyst 資深資料數據分析師

2 个月前更新软体 » 数据工程师


▍About AlfredCamera

From day one, we’ve been guided by the belief that home security should be made accessible to everyone. We started out by offering a software solution that turns your old phone into a security camera in 2014. Since then, this simple but powerful idea has become the go-to security app for more than 70 millions families worldwide. 

In 2022, we launched our first hardware product, AlfredCam, which opened up an exciting new chapter for us. And 2023 is going to be an even more exhilarating year, as we are taking more proactive actions to respond to our consumers and expanding our presence in more countries. If you want to be a game changer for one of the most trusted brands worldwide, we have the right opportunity for you! 

▍About this role

We are thrilled that you have expressed interest in joining our team and embarking on a journey in the exciting field of Data Analysis.We have prepared a comprehensive job description for this position to ensure that you have all the information you need to present yourself in the best possible light during the recruitment process. Our team is also available to answer any questions you may have about the position, so don't hesitate to reach out at any time.

Our company expands its strategy and business in 2023, the number of teams is set to increase, with the need to manage three squads and handle various routine and operational tasks such as data analysis and user exploration. However, the current Data team of only three members is experiencing a shortage of human resources. Therefore, to address this gap, we have decided to hire a Senior Data Analyst.As a member of our team, you will work alongside a group of dedicated and skilled professionals who are committed to advancing the field of data analysis. 

This role will require you to be detail-oriented, analytical, and passionate about using data to drive insights and inform business decisions. You will be responsible for analyzing large sets of data, developing reports, and presenting findings to various stakeholders. 

If you are looking for an exciting and challenging role where you can make a real impact, we encourage you to apply for this position.

Data Analyst in Alfred System

At Alfred, we hold a deep appreciation for objective management and data-driven decision making. Our goal is to be a visionary company that derives value from data, fostering a culture of excitement and energy in analytics and agile analytics that benefits every data consumer in our organization.

As a Data Analyst, you will play a crucial role in creating a culture where data is accessible and actionable for everyone in the organization. Your mission is to work alongside the product managers, analysts, and other squad members to explore all possibilities through data. Our team is part of the product department and we collaborate with excellent partners in machine learning, data engineering, user research, iOS/Android/server development, and quality assurance to bring the best product to market that serves to "Bring Peace of Mind to Everyone in The World".

You will be responsible for validating, processing, and exploring multiple sources of data, including user behavior, surveys, text feedback, and server-side activity. In addition, we will leverage statistical methods and machine learning techniques to determine the optimal study design and measure the causal effect of the product and business.


  • Continually evaluate and implement new causal inference methods to improve data analysis.
  • Design and conduct studies to gain a deep understanding of user behavior through data analysis and surveys.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure that insights are effectively communicated and recommendations are actionable.
  • Uncover meaningful insights that inform decision-making and improve user experiences.
  • Drive business growth through data analysis and strategic recommendations.


▍Minimum qualifications

  • Successfully applied data-driven decision making and hypothesis-driven approaches in product development before, while also fostering collaboration across teams.
  • Excellent Data Literacy skills, able to effectively communicate and present complex data insights to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.
  • Proficiency in utilizing Python or R programming languages for data exploration, analysis, visualization, and hypothesis testing is a fundamental requirement for this position.

▍Preferred qualifications

  • Have a strong background in causal inference and natural experiments, enabling them to continuously improve the validity of our studies.
  • Possess extensive experience in survey analysis, enabling them to uncover deeper insights in user research studies.

▍進一步認識此職位 - Medium




1.2M ~ 1.6M TWD/

AlfredCamera 阿福管家



阿福管家 AlfredCamera 成立於 2014 年,致力於讓安心科技變得高效易用,打造全球 80 億人都能全心生活的世界。旗下 AlfredCamera App 已累積超越 7,000 萬用戶下載、獲得 92 萬用戶 4.8 顆星肯定,並於 2016 年與 2019 年獲得 Google Play 年度最創新 App 與年度最佳生活幫手 App 的殊榮。2022 年則在全球 95 國獲 Google Play 官方推薦。

阿福管家以軟體為核心,透過 App 將舊手機轉變為智慧攝影機,讓用戶「零門檻、零成本」體驗安心科技,為使用者創造不一樣的選擇,並短短數年內已經達到正向現金流,在已實證的商業模式下穩健發展,將持續投入 AI 研發與國際市場經營,追求更多成長機會。

2022 年,阿福管家跨入硬體領域,推出專屬硬體 AlfredCam 於美國開賣,預購吸引逾 2.5 萬人次搶購,8 分鐘不到便搶購一空。至今已於美國、加拿大、歐洲、台灣等地區的 Amazon 以及官方電商平台上市。

2023 年,阿福管家陸續在日本、巴西及德國等地區取得用戶倍數成長,為更進一步滿足各國多元的安心需求,阿福管家將擴編研發、設計、行銷、PM、用戶研究等團隊,2024 年將再招募更多的夥伴加入,讓台灣人才發揮世界影響力,一起為全球 80 億人打造全心生活的世界。
