新加坡商艾雅思股份有限公司台灣分公司 cover image
Logo of 新加坡商艾雅思股份有限公司台灣分公司.
Logo of 新加坡商艾雅思股份有限公司台灣分公司.


Logo of 新加坡商艾雅思股份有限公司台灣分公司.
Logo of 新加坡商艾雅思股份有限公司台灣分公司.


2016年創立於新加坡、現在總部位於日本東京的AnyMind Group,已於2023年3月於東京證交 Growth 板掛牌上市,股票代碼為 [5027]。

我們是一間全方位商務賦能公司(Commerce enablement company),提供各種數位系統和服務給企業、網紅 / 創作者與網站內容發佈商,期望透過新世代數位商務工具,協助所有想創業的人們更輕鬆、更快速地進行商務活動,並實現「Make Every Business Borderless」的企業使命。短短六年中,AnyMind Group 已拓展至台灣、泰國、越南、日本、香港、印尼、馬來西亞、印度等13個亞洲市場,目前設有17間辦公室、擁有超過 1,200 名來自27 個不同國籍的員工,也收購了亞洲 7 間公司、研發了 8 個數位系統。

團隊服務美妝、FMCG、親子、醫療等不同產業的客戶,在亞洲各國的落地團隊更能協助品牌主進行跨境行銷或品牌活動,讓好的品牌和創意不再受到市場限制。此外,AnyMind Group 不但是 Google 官方的 Google Certificated Publisher Partners,也是 YouTube 官方認證的創作者服務供應商,歡迎對行銷、數位領域有熱忱的你,與國際頂尖科技公司一起成長、一起為客戶創造更多價值。

Founded in April 2016, AnyMind Group is an end-to-end commerce enablement company with a purpose to make it exciting for everyone to do business. The company provides various digital platforms and tools to brands and businesses, publishers and influencers to do business in an easy and effective way. In the past six years, AnyMind Group not only acquired 7 Asian companies and developed 8 digital platforms but also has over 1,000 staff across 17 offices in 13 markets, including Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, India and the United Arab Emirates.

Our team works with clients from various industries including beauty, FMCG, parenting, medical and more. Moreover, our experts in every Asia market could effectively and efficiently help brands to do cross-border commerce, letting good products and innovative ideas not restricted by market barriers. Also, AnyMind Group has been recognized by world-leading companies as we are the Google Certificated Publisher Partners and the official YouTube Multi-Channel Network partners. We are looking for talents who have a strong passion in marketing and the digital sector to join our team and shine in the global market, creating more value for our clients.


AnyMind Group 以「商務賦能」為核心,發展「夥伴成長 Partner Growth」和「品牌商務 Brand Commerce」兩大事業群:

【夥伴成長 Partner Growth】



內容發佈商(網站主)的一站式管理平台,全方位了解使用者數據、 集中管理並優化收益。

AnyCreator |創作者成長平台


【品牌商務 Brand Commerce】

我們提供品牌主 End-to-end 商務解決方案,獨家研發的各大系統涵蓋製造、電子商務、數位行銷、物流等全方位領域,搭配專業團隊服務,協助品牌主解決各種商務上的疑難雜症。


擁有超過 210,000 筆亞太區網紅數據,為一站式網紅行銷平台。我們的團隊透過網紅社群、品牌和行銷活動等不同角度累積的數據,在品牌行銷活動的規劃上,更有效地發掘、接洽、管理、追蹤網紅行銷專案和相關成效數據。





AnyChat |對話式商務平台



AnyX 串接 Shopee、Lazada、Amazon 等跨地區的電商平台數據,並以最直覺簡單的儀表板呈現,讓品牌主透過單一平台直接管理所有電商的商品銷售數據、消費者數據與商品狀態,輕鬆判讀數據並執行跨境電商推廣。



AnyLogi |物流管理平台


We're empowering businesses, publishers and influencers in two areas: "Brand Commerce" and "Partner Growth."

【Partner Growth】

Partner Growth provides web and mobile app publishers along with influencers and content creators with platforms for monetization and optimization.

AnyManager|Publisher Platform

AnyManager provides publishers with a single dashboard to understand data, centralize revenue management and optimize properties

AnyCreator |Creator Growth Platform

The platform that helps hundreds of thousands of influencers around the world make sense of their social media and campaign performance data.

【Brand Commerce】

Drive your digital transformation and business growth through seamless point solutions or integrated offerings for manufacturing, logistics, e-commerce, chat commerce, marketing and cross-border expansion.

AnyTag|Influencer Marketing Platform

By combining data across influencers, brand accounts and campaigns, marketers can easily discover, activate, manage, track and attribute influencer marketing and social media activities through a single platform

AnyDigital| Digital Marketing Platform

A unique digital marketing platform that allows you to centrally manage all online and offline media from ad serving to management and analysis, enabling you to reach your target audience efficiently and effectively through a single platform.

AnyShop|E-commerce Enablement

Create the best digital storefront to represent your brand and convert customers to drive incremental returns

AnyChat |Coversational Commerce Platform

AnyChat maximizes the value you can provide to customers by amassing, analyzing and leveraging purchase data to turn your customers into engaged fans.

AnyX|E-commerce Management Platform

Streamline management, optimization and tracking across your e-commerce & D2C channels including Shopee, Lazada, and Amazon into a single platform.

AnyFactory|Cloud Manufacturing Platform

AnyFactory enables individuals and businesses to create products in the shortest time and highest quality possible.

AnyLogi |Logistics Management Platform

AnyLogi is an end-to-end solution that enables D2C and e-commerce brands with fulfillment through our international network of e-commerce and logistics partners.


【Make it Exciting for Everyone to Do Business】 

我們相信,任何想法、熱忱和夢想都能為世界帶來新的價值,而 AnyMind Group 就是為了幫助人們輕鬆實踐各種商業想法而生。我們期待透過數位平台的研發與整合,幫助每一個有價值的夢想跨越所有限制與挑戰,創造每個人都能更自由更快速地將熱情付諸行動的新世代商務環境。

【Our Value】 從管理團隊到每一位員工,我們的團隊都在工作中充分展現集團的核心價值。 

Be Open 擁抱多樣性,並在尊重他人意見的同時公開表達自己的想法。 
Be Bold 不要為自己設下限制,持續接受挑戰。 
Move Faster 比任何人保持更快的速度,並將個人想法付諸實踐。 
Stay Updated 持績更新自己,並藉此來實現更好的決策和結果。
Achieve Together 堅定並朝著共同的目標邁進。 

【Make it Exciting for Everyone to Do Business】

We live for the moments when people's passions, dreams, and ideas come true. That's why we provide technology to make every business borderless, and we will achieve this by providing an integrated platform that solves challenges for people and companies with passion and ideas. Our technology creates a world where everyone can do business more easily and globally. 

【Our Value】 From the management to every employee, we are looking for our members to practice the company values in their daily work as below. 

Be Open:Embrace diversity, and express your thoughts openly while respecting other people's opinions.
Be Bold:Don't set limitations for yourself, keep on challenging for more.
Move Faster:Be faster than anyone else, and put your ideas into action quickly.
Stay Updated:Update yourself with information to achieve better outcomes.
Achieve Together:In all situations, always identify and run towards a common goal.


◎ 數位時代 | 一家東南亞廣告新創,如何做到2年自成集團、還接連收購兩家公司?

◎科技新報 | AnyMind B 輪融資共獲 2,140 萬美元,發展數位戶外廣告以及網紅推廣

◎工商時報 | 網紅經濟興起 IG、FB、Twitter成長最大

◎Yahoo |《科技》網紅經濟帶動 社群商務漸夯

◎中央社 | 網紅行銷當道 IG圖像吸睛成美妝產業最愛平台

◎ AnyMind GroupがLinkedIn Top Startups 2021に初選出。今日本で最も勢いのあるスタートアップ10社のうちの1社として表彰

◎ 如何快速適應高速成長的新創公司(AnyMind Group台灣區總經理專訪)









。年度團體活動 (Team Building, CSR等)


。每週五療癒身心 Fluffy Friday,歡迎帶毛孩上班一起交流


。Five working days a week
。First year 10+4 days of annual leave
。Flexible working hours
。Allowance of NHI/ LI EE Pay
。Half-year performance review
。Annual, Quarterly, and Team Target Bonus
。Onboarding Orientation - Group and Local
。On‑the‑Job Training
。Free Snacks and Coffee
。Team Building, CSR activities
。Festival Events, Birthday Celebration, Year-End Party
。Macbook Air for work use
。Open office environment
。Fluffy Friday
。Allowance of Employee health check


Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
What You Will Do 1. 負責成效型廣告客戶之廣告策略規劃、投放執行作業、報表產出及數據判讀 (Facebook/Google) 2. 負責公司自營電商品牌的廣告投放操作 (Facebook/Google) 3. 擅長檢視廣告成效數據與目標,提出素材、文案優化策略、監控並調整關鍵字,以達成最佳廣告專案成效。 4. 與業務團隊及客戶保持良好及有效的合作關係 5. 與 Publis...
60万 ~ 80.4万 TWD / 年
需具备 2 年以上工作经验

What You Will Do 1. 服務日本客戶進行數位行銷及網紅行銷專案 2. 陌生開發潛在客戶(台灣+日本) 3. 需同時對日本主管及台灣主管進行工作彙報 4. 參與跨國業務會議及專案 5. 承擔個人業績目標責任 ------ 1. デジタルマーケティングおよびインフルエンサーマーケティングサービスを日本の顧客に提供する 2. 潜在顧客に向けた開発(台湾+日本) 3. グローバル会議...
48万 ~ 100万 TWD / 年
需具备 2 年以上工作经验

What You Will Do 1. 主動開發並拜訪潛在客戶、維繫客戶關係 2. 掌握客戶需求,提供數位行銷活動規劃提案 3. 與內部服務團隊一起執行專案、提供結案報告 4. 達成每月/每季/每年個人業績目標 5. 參與內部團隊會議與活動
48万 ~ 100万 TWD / 年
需具备 2 年以上工作经验

广告技术 / 行销技术
$3000 万