HQ-International Project Associate (MA)

Job Description

Cymmetrik is dedicated to promoting printing applications and value-added services and carrying out group's mission "Embellishing products and enriching life".
We are looking for young talents to develop international market and achieve strategic goals of global deployment!

[Job Description]
1. Be the champion of providing Cymmetrik's total solutions. Being passionate about promoting printing applications and value- added services in new business fields.
2. Build market insights and industry connections to identify the business potentials for future development.
3. Initiate and maintain strategic partnership with internal and external support to outline strategies of market entry and business development.
4. Be expert at business strategy planning and implementation, and international channel/customer relationship management.
5. Have a branding mind-set and able to integrate marketing activities into assigned international projects.
6. Coordinate with internal team to deliver quality work and ensure customer satisfaction.

1. New graduates of college or graduate school, in either business or technical background are welcome. Or less than 3 year's working experience in engineering or sales/marketing field.
2. Innovative and able to work independently with integrity.
3. Flexibility and team spirit, willing to grow together with group’s global deployment.
4. Proficient in English communication. English native speaker or 2nd foreign languages except English will be a plus.
5. Experienced in multi-cultural environment or teamwork.

Interview process

Filtering candidates and searching qualified CV.
-> 1st round interview with HR (phone call or online). 
-> 2nd round interview with supervisor (may need prepare related topics' presentation, online or face-to-face interview).
-> Final discussion between Cymmetrik and candidate to see if the position and career matches for both parties expectations.
-> If yes, Welcome to Cymmetrik!

No requirement for relevant working experience
40,000 ~ 40,000 TWD / month
Personal Invitation Link
This is your personal referral link for job invitation. You'll receive an email notification when someone applied for the position via your job link.
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Logo of the organization.
Entry level
40K+ TWD / month
Logo of the organization.
180 ~ 200 TWD / hour
Logo of 正美企業 Cymmetrik Group.

About us

正美集團是大中華地區規模最大專業包材標籤印刷服務供應商,從印刷本業的核心競爭力,一路延伸至全新的應用並探索與開發新商機,透過提供多元且存於日常生活的印刷用品,堅定地往全球化、創新、永續的轉型之路大步前進,亦深受全球500強企業的信賴。 客戶群橫跨3C、民生消費、醫藥保健與汽車等產業;產品涵蓋食、衣、住、行、育、樂等領域,例如Acer、ASUS、Gogoro、HP、JOHNSON' S®嬌生、P&G寶僑、Tesla、Unilever聯合利華…等全球知名企業。 集團總部位於台灣台北,並延伸展開15個海內外據點,包含:台南、上海、深圳、昆山、煙台、重慶、河南、東莞、浙江、南越、北越、泰國與德墨等,並於香港與美國矽谷設有辦公室,持續延攬專業且優秀的人才夥伴,一起與正美共創每個50年!


▋ 經營理念
在本業面上,集團以標籤印刷起家,期許自身【成為全球印刷應用及加值服務的領導者】,並以此為願景大步邁進、與時俱進。 同時秉持【美化商品、美化生活】的使命,【誠信、創新、品質、服務】的核心價值,以及【品質取勝、熱忱服務】的精神,提供高品質且多元的產品。

▋ 人才管理理念
人才是正美最重視的一點,從53年前踏上創業之路便深知可貴人才的重要性,透過重整組織、延攬優秀人才進到企業,方能共同打造健全且永續經營的組織體系,進而貫徹「以人為本」的企業文化,互利成長、互相茁壯,和優秀人才們共同打造每個50年。 員工是企業重要的利害關係人,以人為本的經營理念深植在正美的基因當中,在這裡你可以感受到,傳產也可以是有趣且彈性的。 同時透過經營公司的大小面向,看見正美早已踏上轉化和轉型之路,化被動為主動、化傳統為創新,賦予傳統工藝新的價值,進而落實企業永續經營的真諦。


Mid-Senior level
40K ~ 40K TWD / month

Mid-Senior level
40K ~ 40K TWD / month