
美股科技業分析師 (與獲獎的前避險基金經理人工作)

職缺超過 2 年前更新


U.S. stock analyst  (full time)

Job Description
  1. Your main focus is on building financial models for public companies using public financial disclosures such as 10-K, 10-Q and S1.
  2. Understand and translate English articles analyzing U.S.-listed public companies into Chinese. You are supposed to fundamentally understand the context and substance of articles - direct translation without those is meaningless in this position.
  3. You will work with a former award winning hedge fund manager with a solid track record.This requires a good level of understanding of technology industry, software, healthcare, semiconductor, finance, economics, accounting, taxation, law among others
  4. You do not have to be familiar with these areas but you have good intellectual capacity to quickly grasp concepts of above fields.
  5. You are expected to co-host Gamma podcast. You will be allocated with partial marketing tasks such as community building, social media management....etc (won't be the focus)

Work Environment

All the work will be communicated in English with frequent use of technical terms. Through this job, you will develop great understanding in technology, finance, accounting and other areas.



- intellectual curiosity and capacity to execute job description described above
- a good command in English and an ease with high level concepts as well as technical terms
- like reading
- communication skills
- writing skills

Big plus

- like reading books on science, accounting or law
- programming skills
- solid understanding in machine learning
- financial modeling skills
- detail-oriented

We do not care about

- degree/major
- previous work experience
- experience in stock markets
- native level English proficiency

****欲申請者,請將您的英文履歷、指定「美股個股短析 (英文撰寫)」、cover letter(若有)與作品集(若有)寄至 [email protected],若僅從 Cake Resumer 寄送履歷將一蓋忽略,謝謝您。*****


0. 申請前請先閱讀 Gamma 的分析文章 (https://gamma.to/),特別是以下四篇文章


1. 請將您的英文履歷、cover letter(若有)與作品集(若有)寄至 [email protected]

2. 履歷請一併附上「美股個股短析 (英文撰寫)寄至 [email protected],內容請注意以下事項:

Pick one U.S. listed stock and make either a buy case or short case. Explain the logic in less than 5 paragraphs. Focus on what other market participants (sellside analysts, fund managers) are missing and how your view differs from consensus as well as quantifying your views in terms of your forecast for revenue or EBITDA or EPS vs the consensus estimate. Do not waste sentences describing what the market already knows (this company’s business is xyz, this business is of high quality, revenue is recurring, the semiconductor is in shortage, growth in Asia is strong etc). Here are the examples of how NOT to make a case

    • Stock is too cheap/expensive at whatever multiple
    • Stock is down a lot thus it should mean revert
    • Historically the company has grown xyz %
    • My revenue estimate is 3% above the consensus
    • I like the business (who cares whether you like the business or not)
    • The fair value should be xyz based on DCF

    3. Gamma 將審核履歷、「個股短析」後,寄出下一輪面試邀請(將為全英文面試,線上、實體待定)

    4. 面試可能將有二至三輪,再公佈最終聘僱結果

    ****欲申請者,請將您的英文履歷和你的「美股個股短析」寄至 [email protected],若僅從 Cake Resume 寄送履歷將一蓋忽略,謝謝您。*****

    這是您專屬的職缺邀請連結。當有人透過您的邀請連結應徵這個職缺時,您會收到 email 通知。
    Logo of Gamma 美股科技投資.



    我們的使命:普及過去僅限在頂尖投資機構的投資與科技知識,Gamma 運用長期在投資與科技的經驗與知識,剖析商業模式、成長動能、風險因子和市場動態,並以深入淺出的方式提供給更多獨立的投資人。

    Gamma 提供給訂閱戶獨家且觀點獨特的分析文章,並在每週固定更新 Podcast,傳遞獨到且獨特的投資觀察與科技趨勢分析。


    我們有長達 12 年的投資專業經驗,成員之一曾在最知名的避險基金管理股票多空對沖基金,更在買方調查問券中被提名為亞洲成效最佳的投資人。
