Growth Marketing Manager

Công việc được cập nhật hơn 4 năm

Mô tả công việc


GliaStudio SAAS service is officially launched and we are looking for an entrepreneurial & motivated person who is ready to help the media and advertising industry to generate quality videos at scale with our AI technology.

1. Plan and execute online/offline product marketing events

2. Answer online demo request or phone queries

3. Convert new leads into customers

4. Work with the product team to maximize lead conversion

5. Attending local/global business events & conferences

6. Explore partnership opportunities to grow customer base

Yêu cầu

1. 2+ years of SaaS/internet startup sales experience and experience in digital/online advertising preferred
2. Effective written, oral, and interpersonal skills to develop and maintain relationships with customers
3. Ability to illustrate strong presentation skills and a high level of comfort in front of clients/ partners.
4. Fluency in spoken and written may be required
5. Team Player & Team Builder
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600,000 ~ 1,200,000 TWD / năm
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Logo of GliaCloud 集雅科技.

Về chúng tôi

GliaCloud 集雅科技股份有限公司成立於 2015 年,專注於人工智慧在媒體領域的應用,團隊由雲端技術專家,人工智慧科學者與熟悉網路媒體產業的 Growth Hackers 組成.集雅也是 Google 認證的雲端技術合作夥伴。

曾獲得 Tech in Asia、 Seedstars World Taipei、Meet Taipei Neo Star 及 ChinaBang Award 等國內外創業獎項肯定,並取得國際創投 Infinity Venture Partners 及知名天使與機構投資人多方資金挹注。GliaCloud 總部落腳於台北,目標是成為亞洲人工智慧內容產業的領導者!

Việc làm

Sơ cấp
32K ~ 40K TWD / tháng

Thực tập
183 ~ 183 TWD / hour

Thực tập
183 ~ 183 TWD / hour