Sr. Frontend Engineer (React, Redux, Webpack)

Lowongan diperbarui lebih dari 5 tahun yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

honestbee is Asia's leading online concierge and delivery service for all your lifestyle needs. With our technical expertise, data-fuelled operations and our network of partners, people experience how life’s just easier with honestbee.

We are solving the riddles of e-Commerce and logistics across the SE Asia. We work on practical solutions for the real world and we are obsessed about building a marketplace for services that awes and delights our customers - that’s our commitment to them!

What you'll be doing:

  • Work closely with product and design to build and improve features
  • Write and improve upon existing code with attention paid to performance
  • Plan and document technical specifications for features or system design
  • Contribute towards improving engineering culture and approach

Front End

Stack: Node.js, Redux and React

  • Have worked with at least one Javascript framework (eg. React, Backbone)
  • Have a genuine interest in learning and using the latest JavaScript technologies (ES2015, Node.js etc)

Note : The pay range includes non-senior and senior positions. We will evaluate your position and qualification based on your interview results with honestbee.

Join our honestbee family. Nothing makes us more proud than seeing our people prosper in their careers and set themselves up for success. honestbee will take you to places - that’s our commitment to you!

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- You have a portfolio/examples of work to show or have contributed to open source projects
- Familiarity with TDD and BDD concepts and how to use them to write code that is well tested
- Have experience working on the web stack and be willing to become an expert in using Rails stack
- Constantly learning the best practices and improving skill sets
- You enjoy working in a start-up and open environment
- You take pride and ownership in your work
- You are self-motivated and can work well under pressure
- You have a good sense of humour and like fun
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1,100,000 ~ 1,800,000 TWD / tahun
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Level Menengah-Senior
60 rb ~ 80 rb TWD / bulan
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honestbee已與超過1800家的餐廳合作,期望能與合作的餐廳店家共同成長,平台除了有傳統中式餐點,也有著各種港式、美式異國美食,藉由專業的外送人員及便利的merchant app,串連起消費者及餐廳業者,並且成功地降低餐廳店家的營運成本,同時間也替店家帶來更多的訂單提升營業額。另外也不間斷的透過多元化的異業合作、OOH行銷資源管道,將平台內的美食餐廳介紹給更多消費者知道,進而將餐廳店家的品牌名聲最大化,觸及到原先觸及不到的消費群眾。另外也藉由良好的外送服務及餐點體驗,讓使用外送的客群得知到優質店家,進而到店內消費用餐,形成另類的O2O行銷推廣模式。讓消費者在家裡使用honestbee APP輕鬆一點,就將各種包含米其林一星餐廳「添好運」、日本國民「すき家SUKIYA」以及派對聚餐最愛的「21風味館」等知名餐廳美食外送到家。


消費者通常會因為「天候不佳」、「加班太晚」、「家務太多(含顧小孩)」等原因使用honestbee的外送服務,因此我們也不斷的優化APP的使用流程及功能,包含「即時live chat真人客服」,有客服人員能夠在短時間內處理消費者的訂單突發狀況,而非使用機器人回覆。其餘像是「即時訂單追蹤系統」、「指定最快一小時到貨時間」等功能,也讓消費者能夠準確掌握外送員送達時間。



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