【Shoplus】台灣市場 (資深) 產品經理 (Senior) Product Manager, Taiwan Market

Updated 3 Months agoIT » Project / Product Management

Description du Travail

【Shoplus - Social Commerce Enabler】
Shoplus is a one-dashboard AI-powered online tool tailored to meet social sellers' needs. Featured with a free AI chatbot, Shoplus sorts out all fragmented order, payment, and logistic processes that once consumed merchants a great portion of time and energy. The ultimate version of Shoplus, in our vision, should fulfill every seller's every single last-mile need at scale.
Asia is the future of Shoplus and we are poised for exponential growth in the region for the next ten years. If you love to sweat, thrive in a fast-paced environment, and are always challenging yourself to become better and value fun, this is the place for you!

【Job Description】
This position is the key role to represent Taiwan users' needs accurately and fairly to create the best possible value for Shoplus by teaming up with our cooperation partner, FamilyMart, and internal developers and designers.

Profil demandé

There are 4 skill areas that we explicitly set expectations for and judge performance against. There are:

1. Insight Driven
-Use customer insight to ensure that they deeply understand our customers’ problems, define the correct priorities to tackle, and create a clear brief.

2. Strategy
-Responsible for shaping​ product area strategy with close support from a manager.

3. Execution
-Ship the ​whole​ customer experience.
-Develop the product requirements documents, schedules, and supporting materials in partnership with design, content, technology, social, marketing, and 3rd party vendor/partner teams.

4. Driving Outcomes
-Can demonstrate meaningful impact ​to customers and our business.
-Establishes and drives​ a consistent shipping cadence.

1. 3 years of product management experience.
2. Fluent English& communication (English interview will be required).

1. E-commerce relevant industry experience is a plus.

More Info>>>https://www.shoplus.me/en/ 


Shoplus 商店家願景: 連結你的社群 開啟你的生意
從台灣到亞洲,從個人商家到跨國品牌,Shoplus 商店家讓每個賣家,都能運用 AI 在社群上自動銷售。透過創新科技,拓展銷售通道,實現創業家精神
全家再創里程碑! 攜手iKala進攻臉書直播電商>>>https://www.cw.com.tw/video/video.action?id=1518

Regular earnings reach NT$40,000
Travail à Distance Optionnel
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iKala 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司


À propos de nous

【Empower Your Business with AI】

iKala 是一間跨國的 AI 公司,使命是「AI 賦能」,讓我們的客戶能夠以 AI 為核心來達成事業轉型、加速、及創造新商業模式的目標。iKala 提供以 AI 驅動的數位轉型及數據行銷整體解決方案,旗下有 iKala Cloud 及 iKala MarTech 等雲端及新零售服務與產品,服務超過 800 家企業及 40,000 家亞太品牌廣告用戶,其中包含多家財星 500 大企業,服務範圍跨越 6 個國家 (台灣、新加坡、泰國、日本、香港、馬來西亞) 及超過 12 種產業,且同時是 Google, Amazon, Meta 等世界頂尖科技公司的官方合作夥伴。iKala 以顧客為念,我們不斷提升服務品質及投資創新研發,致力於為顧客創造更多的價值。


AI+大數據 + 雲端+網紅行銷科技,iKala 的產品是全球最熱門的話題和未來趨勢,加入 iKala 就是進入領先的產業和科技公司,與世界接軌不會被時代淘汰。


iKala 有彈性自由的文化,讓團隊自主安排在家或辦公室工作的混合模式,我們自詡為擁有高度執行力的團隊,一起達成目標及打造世界級的產品。

【政府認可的 AI 國家代表隊,妳/你不是一個遠端辦公室的小螺絲釘】

iKala 擁有充沛的公司資源,是一個具備彈性、速度、及創新的扁平化組織,讓優秀的你更容易一展長才,非常適合聰明有想法的職場新鮮人,不用擔心好想法被埋沒。


從新人訓練、主管訓練到內外部訓練,iKala 給予員工充足的學習資源,更有 1:1, L&D 人才管理制度,讓員工隨時檢視自我和互相回饋,達成目標的同時,也獲得個人成長。

(小聲講:我們的辦公室很漂亮,360 度環景鳥瞰市中心)


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