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Công việc được cập nhật khoảng 3 năm

Mô tả công việc

We are looking for an actuary who is ready to help insurance companies launch a new category of Pay-How-You-Live insurance products using alternative data and machine learning. In this role, you will work closely with senior leadership to determine how new AI-driven risk predictions impact insurance products.

You will collaborate across with machine learning, underwriting and insurance experts to define coverage, pricing and eligibility requirements for new products that can insure more people for less. You lead with empathy, pragmatism and have mastered the strategic balance of helping teams meet short-term client deliverables and moving forward towards long-term product visions.


  • Analyze machine learning risk predictions and craft recommendations on how to use predictions in underwriting, pricing and product design decisions
  • Represent Knowtions’ actuarial and data science teams in partner and insurer conversations
  • Lead design, execution and implementation of actuarial requirements for each new product
  • Lead research on the pricing and design of machine learning models that augment traditional actuarial tables
  • Conduct analysis on the financial impacts of incorporating predictive results in risk decisions and communicate impact to business stakeholders


  • 5+ years of Health and Life actuarial insurance experience, preference to candidates who have prior experience developing new insurance products
  • Personable and capable of working with C-suites teams internal and externally.
  • Experience working with pricing and underwriting tools such as Prophet or Aura.
  • Comfortable in a fast-paced and evolving startup environment which includes ongoing self-learning and an ability to transform multiple uncertainties and unknowns into executable plans and solutions.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent leadership and influencing skills.
  • You are bilingual and fluent in Chinese

Yêu cầu

  • 5+ years of Health and Life actuarial insurance experience, preference to candidates who have prior experience developing new insurance products
  • Personable and capable of working with C-suites teams internal and externally.
  • Experience working with pricing and underwriting tools such as Prophet or Aura.
  • Comfortable in a fast-paced and evolving startup environment which includes ongoing self-learning and an ability to transform multiple uncertainties and unknowns into executable plans and solutions.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent leadership and influencing skills.
  • You are bilingual and fluent in Chinese
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    1 ~ 1 TWD / tháng
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    Logo of 加拿大商諾生莉迪亞智能科技股份有限公司(台灣分公司).

    Về chúng tôi

    Lydia AI 是來自加拿大多倫多的AI科技公司,專注於人工智慧在健康數據上的應用及發展。Lydia AI 藉由健康數據分析幫助保險和金融服務提供商加速數位轉型、創新客戶體驗,進而幫助下個世代數十億人口提供智慧又完善的健康及財富保障計劃 - Insure the next billion people。

    公司總部位於加拿大多倫多(Toronto),並於台北設有分公司,團隊由AI/ML工程師、資料科學家及金融背景的跨領域人才組成,擁有多元國籍及文化的工作環境。Lydia AI 於2021年9月完成800萬美元的A+輪募資(~2.4億台幣),總募資額約1,400萬美元(~4.3億台幣)。

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    公司登記名稱:Knowtions Research Inc.

    #人工智慧 #保險科技 #健康AI #精準健康


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