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【硬體產品專案經理】Hardware Project Manager

Lowongan diperbarui sekitar 4 tahun yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

<<你會在 Positive Grid 做些什麼>>
- 硬體產品專案時程規劃、分配、進度追蹤,即時協調並解決專案瓶頸
- 跨部門溝通:與軟硬體工程師/設計團隊/音效工程師及OEM/ODM廠商進行溝通協調
- 參與新產品規格制定,市場調查分析,及產品規格差異化規劃
- 與行銷部門/業務銷售部門合作進行產品推廣 (跨國合作,需具備英文聽說讀寫能力)
- 與工程單位共同規劃產品階段性功能/可靠性/安規測試內容及結果追蹤
- 與客服部門合作協助處理使用者問題


- 熟悉各類型電吉他相關軟硬體產品,包含音箱/效果器/plugin等,至少三年以上使用經驗,使用經驗與熟悉度越高越好。
- 二年以上消費性電子/資訊類產品專案管理經驗
- 同時具備軟體專案管理經驗,熟悉Lean startup / Scrum等敏捷開發專案流程與能力者佳
- 具備與跨國團隊合作所需英文聽說讀寫能力
- 積極進取,勇於嘗試新事物/新策略,保持開放溝通的人格特質
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Logo of POSITIVE GRID 佳格數位科技有限公司.

Tentang Kami

Positive Grid: Dancing with the Future of Music Technology

Music knows no boundaries, and when it meets cutting-edge technology, its charm and influence magnify. Positive Grid isn’t just a messenger of music; we're pioneers of music technology. If you're brimming with enthusiasm for both music and technology, then Positive Grid is undeniably your dream stage.

Here, we have a top-tier team of global music technology engineers dedicated to developing world-class intelligent music devices. We are constantly innovating, developing leading smart instrument applications, and breaking new grounds in the realm of music technology. Our pursuit is not just about technological innovation; we aim to lead the tide of music tech products.

At Positive Grid, you'll work with the crème de la crème of the industry, experience the perfect fusion of music and technology, and have the opportunity to participate in constructing a music platform designed by engineers for engineers. This is a place where you can challenge yourself and realize your dreams in the music tech domain.

We are more than just engineers; we are musical heroes. Here, every member is a rock star in this field. Positive Grid has assembled Taiwan's premier music tech engineering team, and now, we're actively seeking more exceptional talents to co-write the new chapter of music technology.

The spirit of Positive Grid is encapsulated in our slogan: "Empowering engineers to redefine the music experience." Whether you're a musician or an engineer, if you have the passion, you will find your stage at Positive Grid.

So, what are you waiting for? Join Positive Grid, collaborate with us to shape the future of music technology, and experience the epitome of engineering innovation intertwined with musical creativity. Here, every idea and inspiration has the potential to change the world.


Level Menengah-Senior
40 rb+ TWD / bulan

Level Menengah-Senior
40 rb+ TWD / bulan

Level Menengah-Senior
40 rb+ TWD / bulan