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Senior Software Engineer, WebAssembly Runtime

Lowongan diperbarui hampir 2 tahun yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

【About the job】
We’re a team that’s passionate about building the high-performance and lightweight WebAssembly Runtime, WasmEdge.

This role involves developing Wasm Runtime including front-end parser, spec validator, interpreter, back-end codegen, compiler optimization, and design and development for the latest Wasm Proposals.

【Minimum qualifications】

  • Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience.
  • Experience with C++ programming.
  • Experience with the LLVM framework.
  • Knowledge of computer architecture, virtual machine, or compiler.

【Preferred qualifications】

  • Master’s degree or Ph.D. in Engineering, Computer Science, or technical related field.
  • Experience with programming skills on different operating systems, e.g. Windows, BSD, or macOS.
  • Experience with programming skills on various hardware architecture, e.g. x86, x86_64, or aarch64.
  • Familiar with the LLVM framework.
  • Familiar with Rust programming languages.


  • Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule.
  • Develop an interpreter for the latest Wasm Spec and proposals.
  • Develop ahead-of-time compiler for the latest Wasm Spec and proposals.
  • Design and develop new plugins for enabling more possibilities for the WasmEdge ecosystem. For example, WasmEdge provides a TensorFlow plugin for AI model inference in Wasm.
  • Design and develop a Rust SDK to leverage plugins.
  • Design test suites to improve coverage.
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Diperlukan pengalaman selama 1 tahun
1,500,000 ~ 3,000,000 TWD / tahun
Pilihan Kerja Remote
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海帶芽科技是頂尖的編譯與虛擬化技術團隊,幫助客戶建立各式的虛擬機與編譯器,最佳化軟體效能。目前我們專注在開發以 WebAssembly 技術為主的 runtime ,提供包含深度學習框架(e.g. TensorFlow, OpenVINO) 的擴展支援、也提供新一代區塊鏈上智能合約(smart contract)所使用的虛擬機支援。

我們擁抱 Open Source ,公司的技術專案有高達 9 成都是開源的專案,並鼓勵工作夥伴參與與開源相關的活動。我們熱愛技術、想透過我們的雙手讓軟體界變得更好,為此,需要你的加入!


WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud-native, edge, and decentralized applications.
It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, smart contracts, and IoT devices.