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Logo of Sony.
Logo of Sony.

Tóm tắt về công ty

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Sony’s purpose is simple. We aim to fill the world with emotion, through the power of creativity and technology. We want to be responsible for getting hearts racing, stirring ambition, and putting a smile on the faces of our customers. That challenge, combined with our spirit of innovation, motivates us to create groundbreaking technology, entertainment, and services for people worldwide.

Our history as a global brand has been built around employees that all have a passion for touching peoples'​ lives, and pride in pushing beyond the status quo to produce truly extraordinary results.

We’re uniquely positioned because we operate in many different industries - from movies and music to video games and electronics. And, with offices around the globe, we benefit from a global workforce that learns and grows together through mutual respect.

If you're ready to join a diverse team at an innovation-led company with the power to change lives, then we encourage you to read up on the different Sony group companies and check out our Life page. Then, get in touch, and together, let’s make the world say wow.


台灣索尼股份有限公司 (Sony Taiwan Limited) 為日本 Sony 公司於 2000 年 4 月在台成立之分公司,做為 Sony 企業在台的統籌營運中心,並負責對台灣高科技產業推廣 Sony 旗下各事業部最尖端的專業技術,協助台灣達成綠色矽島美夢。

Sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ


Quyền lợi nhân viên

1. 優於勞基法的休假天數
2. 三節禮金、尾牙、慶生會、國內旅遊、海外旅遊補助
3. 褔委會、教育訓練、語言學習補助、員工子女教育補助
4. 勞健保、團保(醫療及意外保險)、出差保險、定期健康檢查
5. 上、下班交通費補助
6. 員工購物優惠