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[台北]eCommerce Marketing

Lowongan diperbarui hampir 4 tahun yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

1. Develop digital marketing strategies and plans, to achieve the goals of conversion, brand awareness and, user engagement. 
2. Analyze online consumer behavior through big data, and then optimize online campaigns. 
3. Work with IT/MIS to build up CRM system.


1. Knowledge of GA, SEO, SEM and various analysis tools are highly desirable
2. 5 years+ experiences in EC. Successful experience in Ecommerce retailing with digital agency background a plus
3. Excellent logical thinking and problem solving skills.
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40,000+ TWD / bulan
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Tentang Kami

TECHDesign was founded in 2015 under Winbond Electronics Corp, the trusted name in semiconductors since 1987. The idea behind the formation of TECHDesign was simple: we saw a growing need to make the increasingly complex electronics supply chain more accessible to small and medium sized enterprises and big corporations alike. Since then, we have stayed true to our roots by making TECHDesign a place where our clients and suppliers can connect with ease.


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