衛生福利部臺北醫院【臺灣國際醫療人員訓練中心(TIHTC)】 cover image
Logo of 衛生福利部臺北醫院【臺灣國際醫療人員訓練中心(TIHTC)】.
Logo of 衛生福利部臺北醫院【臺灣國際醫療人員訓練中心(TIHTC)】.


Logo of 衛生福利部臺北醫院【臺灣國際醫療人員訓練中心(TIHTC)】.
Logo of 衛生福利部臺北醫院【臺灣國際醫療人員訓練中心(TIHTC)】.

Company summary


過去,臺灣曾受其他國家的醫療援助,慢慢站穩腳步,茁壯、純熟,如今我們同樣義不容辭,回饋更多需要幫助的國家,共同守護世界健康!為了貫徹理念及發揮最大效益,2002年在衛生福利部的支持下,於臺北醫院設立【臺灣國際醫療衛生人員訓練中心(Taiwan International Healthcare Training Center)】,秉持世界衛生組織憲章闡釋的「醫療無國界」精神「健康是基本人權,是普世價值,不因種族、宗教、政治信仰、經濟或社會情境而有所分別」之宗旨,將臺灣最好的防疫、專業醫療技術與知識,分享給需要的國家,協助友邦及友好國家醫事人員增進專業知識、能力建構、提升醫療品質!

齊力實現Taiwan Can Help! Taiwan is Helping 的使命!

The Taiwan International Healthcare Training Center (TIHTC) was established on August 29, 2002 by Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare. The Center offers training and exchange programs for medical professionals around the world to continue their clinical training in Taiwan.

In the past fifteen years, more than 2,000 health professionals from 77 countries have received training through TIHTC, that help improve their own countries’ health systems.

Furthermore, TIHTC has successfully received 1,123 international visitors from 56 countries, provided international medical rescue assistance 19 times, and signed official cooperation agreements with 28 hospitals and international organizations in countries such as India, Indonesia, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam.

Since the training of the first international health care personnel, the Center can now train over a hundred international medical, health, and administration personnel per year.

協助外籍醫療衛生人員在台培訓及生活照顧 協助活動辦理 資料彙整 其他交辦事項
200 ~ 200 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

課程及活動推廣規劃 外籍醫療人員聯繫、課程安排及後續追蹤 國際病患及訪賓接待 成果活動及研討會規劃 社群媒體及網站更新 計畫書撰寫 資料彙整 其他交辦事項
33.74K ~ 38.6K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility