Đã cập nhật 3 tháng trướcIT » Security Engineer

Mô tả công việc

- maintain and scale our systems on Local, IDC and Cloud.
- design, implement and adjust monitoring system/metrics on daily basis.
- measure, optimize and tune system performances.
- implement CI/CD pipeline.
- design, implement policies for product/component release and deployment.

Yêu cầu

- familiar with the administration of those database system MySQL/MariaDB or MongoDB
- familiar with GCP or AWS
- familiar with container technology - docker
- familiar with Python
- familiar with ESXi
- expertise in Bash and shell script
- familiar with configuration management tools - Ansible
- strong knowledge of TCP/IP, networking, DNS , Vlan and firewall
- strong knowledge of Linux system administration and security
- strong knowledge of Windows system administration and security
- knows how to build CI/CD pipeline, and design good deploy process

Xem tất cả công việc

Viscovery 創意引晴股份有限公司


Về chúng tôi

Viscovery (Visual Discovery) 成立於2013年,專注電腦視覺與深度學習的「VisionAI」技術,協助各垂直領域的領頭羊企業導入各式 AI 解決方案,是亞洲視覺辨識技術與影音大數據的領航公司。

Viscovery 透過自行開發專利算法,自動分析並標籤大量的圖片與影片,將圖片與影片中視覺內容轉化成結構化、多維度、含有高度商業價值的 Visual Big Data (視覺大數據)。至今已累積超過千萬級別商品資料庫,完成超過億次等級自動標籤辨識請求,同時實現毫秒級別的辨識速度與精準度。VisionAI 服務廣泛應用於電子商務、智慧零售、媒體廣告、工業4.0等領域。「電子商務」應用有商品辨識、以圖搜圖、個人化推薦、快速回購、客戶服務等;「智慧零售」則含括人臉辨識、商品辨識、互動廣告、和自助結賬等;「視頻媒體」則運用於內容推薦、自動標籤、片庫管理、智慧剪輯、和內容過濾等;「工業4.0」應用在機器人協作、AR工具協作、廠區監控、和品質控管等。Viscovery 亦提供各式客製化的視覺辨識服務,為客戶打造隱密和適用的專屬辨識引擎。

Viscovery 研發中心設立於台北,由海外和台灣人工智慧、電腦視覺、深度學習、大數據領域的學術工程專家組成,並與美國頂尖大學AI實驗室進行產學合作。我們誠摯邀請同樣富有熱情、創造力、與專業力的夥伴加入,一同實踐立足亞太、放眼全球的技術願景與抱負!(www.viscovery.com)


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Software Engineer (C#/.NET Desktop Application - WinForm)

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Software Engineer (Python)

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Senior Software Engineer (Python)

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Product Manager

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System Architect

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Computer Vision Engineer

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Data Engineer

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