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公司規模: 5,000人以上
軟體即服務 / 雲服務
Logo of Oracle.
We’re a cloud technology company that provides organizations around the world with computing infrastructure and software to help them innovate, unlock efficiencies and become more effective. We also created the world’s first – and only – autonomous database to help organize and secure our customers’ data. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers higher performance, security, and cost savings. It is designed so businesses can move workloads easily from on-premises systems to the cloud, and between cloud and on-premises and other
雇主活躍於 4 天前
Logo of Amazon Web Services Taiwan (AWS)_台灣亞馬遜網路服務有限公司.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 成立於 2006 年,是全球最全面和廣泛採納的雲端平台,透過資料中心提供超過 200 項功能完整的服務,包含運算、儲存、資料庫、分析、應用與部署等。全球 190 個國家的客戶 —包括成長最快的新創公
雇主活躍於 5 天前

CakeResume 找工作

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