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Logo of Cambridge International Language.
Cambridge International Language Brief Established in 2002, Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan, Cambridge International is a leading language training academy that assists organizations in overcoming international communication challenges across their workforce. It expanded its customer service to the UK in 2014 and now offers an all-in-one, unique, English Training Program, with TOEIC and Oral simulation assessments to reach your company’s expectations. It offers: Exclusive HR portal pages (2 performance reports) Quality trainee international standard testing International native
雇主活躍於 7 天前
2 Hanover Court, Prince of Wales Mansions, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK
Logo of 時代國際英日語中心.
本公司為專業語言訓練中心,目前設有台北站前校,東區校,板橋校,士林校,桃園校,並積極籌備外縣市分校, 提供英語會話、日語會話課程、全民英檢課程、TOEIC多益商用英語認証課程、IELTS國際英語測驗課
雇主活躍於超過 5 年前
Logo of 水文資訊有限公司.
雇主活躍於大約 5 年前
Logo of 統一數位翻譯股份有限公司.
PTSGI is the largest translation agency in Taiwan, operating since 1966. Today, it is recognized as a global benchmark for the highest standards of quality, expertise and integrity in the Asia-Pacific Region. Our headquarters is located in Taipei, with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo and Hong Kong. We provide comprehensive services and competitive prices that, in most instances, enable us to reduce client costs and the time required to provide our services. Our dedicated team consists of outstanding and
雇主活躍於將近 2 年前
Logo of 菁英雲教育科技股份有限公司.
立足台灣、放眼國際 菁英國際文教集團(ELITE International Education Group)成立於1997年,企業總部設立於台灣台北市。在創辦人蔣興強董事長的領導之下,目前事業規模除了台灣之外,更跨足中國大陸、美國與日本。本集團核
雇主活躍於超過 2 年前
Logo of 樂志數位有限公司.
樂志數位有限公司成立于民國93年6月總公司在台北,分公司在台中。是資訊軟體網路系統開發及營運專家,有豐富的實體及網路事業經營經驗。 曾開發過的專案:台電專案、遊戲平臺、樂宙支付系
雇主活躍於大約 5 年前
Logo of MyelinTek.
MyelinTek Inc. We are a software company focusing on AI(a.k.a. deep learning) related topics and spun-up from ITRI at 2020. Our core team members have been doing training optimization of deep learning models since 2017 in ITRI. Our mission is to provide an AI system software platform for the fast evolving AI ecosystem. Including AI models training, inferencing, monitoring and dataset labeling and correctness. We provide flexible integration plans to help customers adopt AI. We have
雇主活躍於大約 1 年前
Logo of 美商布雷利昂股份有限公司台灣分公司.
BRELYON is a deep tech, venture-backed Silicon Valley-based startup that is introducing a new category of immersive displays to bring metaverse on to your desk. We post on topics about metaverse, computer graphics, gaming industry, AR, VR, light field displays and 3D displays. Headquarters : San mateo, California Branch : Taichung City, Taiwan Founded : 2019
雇主活躍於 2 天前
Logo of 騰勢股份有限公司.
TSA was established in 2013. We are committed to giving everyone around the world a better living experience. At the beginning, we started the e-commerce brand "Fruit Pay" with the concept of "natural, non-toxic and pure products." Inheriting the concept of the first brand, we have further developed each product and daily necessities carefully through cooperation with professional doctors, nutritionists and veterinarians. TSA has cultivated 4 brands in industries including dietary supplements, pet food, and lifestyle products. These
雇主活躍於 6 個月前
Logo of TourMeAway Taiwan.
At TourMeAway, we're a dynamic team of adventure-seekers, fun enthusiasts, and open-minded explorers based in Taiwan. Our mission is to showcase the best of this great country with fellow adventurers. We dedicate ourselves to providing the highest quality of English tours for international travelers visiting Taiwan. Our tours cover a wide range of topics from history, culture, lifestyle, culinary, to nightlife, all in one of the most exciting cities in Asia! Our goal is to ensure that
雇主活躍於 8 天前

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