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Logo of Aiello Inc. 犀動智能.
Company Snapshot: Welcome to Aiello Inc.! 🚀 At Aiello Inc., we're not just another tech startup – we're a dynamic force in the world of technology, pioneering the future of conversational AI voice services. Powered by cutting-edge machine learning (ML) models designed for natural language understanding (NLU), our offerings span from Omni-channel customer communication integration to adaptable and continuously optimized commercial NLU modules. We convert unstructured enterprise data into structured brilliance, assist in building business data analysis
雇主活躍於大約 6 小時前
Logo of 島內散步旅行社.
2012年從大稻埕開始第一條導覽路線,歷年來已經在全台接待超過60,000人次收費導覽、設計超過400條文化導覽及小旅行路線,合作超過200位各專業領域的深度導覽員,及各地方創生團隊。 島內散步
雇主活躍於 12 天前
台北市大同區南京西路239巷27號 島內散步

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