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Logo of Amaryllo Inc..
Founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Amaryllo is the pioneer in AI as a Service. Standalone auto-tracking and fast facial recognition are Amaryllo’s patented technologies. Amaryllo provides robotic camera solutions to transform CCTV into cutting-edge biometric robotic cameras. Amaryllo Services offer military 256-bit encrypted P2P networks, intelligent cloud analytics, and flexible cloud storage. 愛瑪麗歐股份有限公司 (Amaryllo Inc.) 是全球領導的安控機器人公
雇主活躍於大約 2 年前
No. 159, Xianzheng 9th Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302
Logo of Aiello Inc. 犀動智能.
Company Snapshot: Welcome to Aiello Inc.! 🚀 At Aiello Inc., we're not just another tech startup – we're a dynamic force in the world of technology, pioneering the future of conversational AI voice services. Powered by cutting-edge machine learning (ML) models designed for natural language understanding (NLU), our offerings span from Omni-channel customer communication integration to adaptable and continuously optimized commercial NLU modules. We convert unstructured enterprise data into structured brilliance, assist in building business data analysis
雇主活躍於大約 12 小時前
Logo of iXensor 安盛生科.
雇主活躍於 8 個月前
Logo of KitchBot.
「群眾募資成功團隊-Vulcan五星料理智慧插座」我們是群愛料理的工程師,我們將所學幻化成料理的科學,做出來了Vulcan 溫控智慧插座,讓料理非難事,人人變廚神,期待你的加入,一同研究料理科學的奧
雇主活躍於 19 天前

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