CakeResume 找工作

Logo of CloudMile 萬里雲.
About CloudMile. 英屬開曼群島商萬里雲互聯股份有限公司台灣分公司 CloudMile, a leading AI and cloud technology company in Asia, focuses on digital transformation for its corporate clients and driving growth. Leveraging machine learning and big data analysis, CloudMile assists over 400 clients corporates with business forecasts and industrial upgrades. CloudMile has earned 120+ accreditations, with 60+ Google Cloud professional certifications. Being the Premier Partner
雇主活跃于 11 天前
Logo of XROUND 英霸聲學科技.
公司簡介 XROUND 是一群熱愛耳機/音響的工程師與發燒友共同創辦的公司品牌。我們以強大的數位音訊研發技術力,融合實境音效演算法、3D調音技術、AI人耳聽覺分析等聲學黑科技,加上我們對聲音
雇主活跃于 5 天前
Logo of 點石創新股份有限公司 Intowow Innovation.
過即時競價 (Real-Time Bidding)進行交易。Intowow專注於發展廣告賣方即時競價智能 (Publisher-Side Auction Intelligence),透過持續演進的AI演算法,幫助網站提升其程序化廣告的收益。 我們鎖定大流量媒體網站,客戶遍及美國、英國、加拿大
雇主活跃于 8 个月前
Logo of VitalSigns.
智感雲端以誠信、開放、創新為公司經營理念 我們利用目前發展快速的電子科技,應用到生物醫療領域,提供準確、快速、而且價格親民的生物訊號量測系統,提升醫療品質,造福人類社會。 智感雲端期
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
Logo of Deep Force Inc..
Deep Force 是一家專精於人工智慧領域的深度學習(Deep Learning)演算法開發公司,可以提供在終端裝置(Device)的人工智慧軟體,具有即時性、隱私性與節省頻寬等優點。Deep Force 的團隊,畢業於台大電機、台大資訊、北京清
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
Logo of Pergolas investing.
Pergolas investing,採用大數據與AI的演算法分析金融交易數據與重要行情,演算最佳化下單投資策略,主要為台灣、香港、美國交易標的為股票,透過AI擬定突破型與套利投資交易策略。在AI大數據分析下,完成
雇主活跃于 4 天前
Logo of 有戲數位股份有限公司.
雇主活跃于大约 2 个月前
Logo of 泰錸科技有限公司.
Timeline Technologies was founded in 2016 by a group of traders and technologists looking to grow algorithmic trading in Asia. Our team includes experts in the field of big-data, artificial intelligence, network engineering, and high-frequency trading.
雇主活跃于 4 个月前
Logo of 安提資本亞洲有限公司.
We are a full stack cryptocurrency trading entity. We have our own proprietary latency sensitive trading system, sophisticated trading algorithms and execution platform. We have access to all major cryptocurrency exchanges globally. We provide an institutional grade market making service to token projects, exchanges by providing consistent support and resistant liquidity in requested markets. Overall, we tend to keep market-neutral in order to thrive in any market conditions. Anti Capital 是一家全方位加密貨
雇主活跃于 4 个月前
Logo of Bucket Analyitcs.
Bucket Analytics 球據是致力於運動數據分析的新創公司。專注於深度學習、演算法等核心技術在運動數據領域的應用。團隊專長涵蓋人工智慧、資料架構、數據分析等運動數據分析的升級解決方案。自主開發
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前

CakeResume 找工作
