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Logo of Vyond 香港商高創動訊有限公司台灣分公司.
Vyond Company website: At Vyond, our mission is to put the power of video in the hands of everyone. Vyond allows people of all skill levels in all industries and job roles to create dynamic and powerful media. With features that go beyond moving text and images, you can build character-driven stories or compelling data visualizations that engage audiences and deliver results. Founded as GoAnimate in 2007, Vyond has helped Global 2000 organizations, small businesses
雇主活躍於 22 天前
Logo of 聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data.
圖資系統。未來結合過去亞太區零售諮詢經驗,以亞洲第一大之零售數據諮詢公司為願景。 Ret[AI]ling Data Enterprise, which focuses on the integration of consumer experience and artificial intelligence(A.I.) in Taiwan. Providing the best O2O (online to offline) expansion consultation in retail industry, positioning the expansion ability to urban entity storefronts, moreover, providing the
雇主活躍於 3 天前
Logo of 歐立威科技股份有限公司.
歐立威科技(Omniwaresoft Technology Inc.)成立於2009年,定位為「全方位開源軟體解決方案與資料分析專業建置商」,透過不斷尋找、引進具競爭優勢的 Data 與 AI 的相關軟體,提供客戶企業級的 Big Data / AI / Analytics 專業解決方案。也藉由
雇主活躍於 21 天前
Logo of 英威康科技股份有限公司.
恪守以人為本的核心價值 以使用者的角度為出發點,進行產品設計及規劃,並不斷深化思考人與產品間的互動連結,持續創新優化。 提 供完整解決方案 以智慧建築規範為準則,同時結合多年的整
雇主活躍於 6 個月前
Logo of 英芙蘭有限公司.
At Infelem, we specialize in developing web applications and platforms that provide exceptional user experiences. Our current flagship product is a versatile web application platform that offers a range of user services. Whether you're looking for a robust e-commerce solution, a content management system, or a collaborative workspace, our platform has you covered. We understand that different users have unique requirements in some web applications, which is why we offer a subscription plan for advanced usage. This plan
雇主活躍於 3 個月前
Logo of Skand.
The last 150 years have seen engineering and architecture projects grow increasingly sophisticated. Many people are involved in different stages of the project lifecycle, from the initial planning to construction and maintenance. However, one thing is common across them all: data . Skand’s vision is to bring spatial data to everyone. We achieve this by creating a platform that allows users to manage, visualize, and share their data. It is becoming adopted by more and more industries, with clients such
雇主活躍於 2 個月前
63-85 Turner Street, Port Melbourne VIC, Australia
Logo of BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司.
關於百立達科技 | About BLD Energy 百立達科技是一家位於台灣高雄市的能源科技新創公司,致力於透過專有的需量反應技術和電力交易平台民主化電力交易,讓家家戶戶的電力使用者都能夠隨時隨地
雇主活躍於大約 2 年前
Logo of 歐立威科技股份有限公司.
歐立威科技(Omniwaresoft Technology Inc.)成立於2009年,定位為「全方位開源軟體解決方案與資料分析專業建置商」,透過不斷尋找、引進具競爭優勢的 Data 與 AI 的相關軟體,提供客戶企業級的 Big Data / AI / Analytics 專業解決方案。也藉由
雇主活躍於大約 2 年前
Logo of 延思有限公司 Ceresus.
We are a data science-based marketing consultancy specializing in sales, marketing, customer experience management and brand analytics. We customize your data journey and translate all the data points into actionable insight with strong data science. Our two competitive strengths: “innovative strategic thinking”, and “machine learning modeling analytics. Our vision is to ACTIVATE the data-driven thinking and process. Ceresus believes that data-driven decision-making creates long-lasting business values for companies and their customers. Rooted in Asia, with
雇主活躍於將近 3 年前
Logo of Infocast.
Infocast 從 2014 年開始集結世界各地的優秀夥伴,是一個年輕並充滿活力的多元文化團隊。我們的辦公室位於中山區,鄰近松江南京捷運站。比起階級管理、嚴格勤務時間等制度,我們團隊更重視歡樂、有創
雇主活躍於 7 個月前

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