CakeResume Job Search

Consumer Electronics
Logo of Google.
Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since our founding in 1998, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and
The employer was active 11 days ago
73F.-1, No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11049, Taiwan
Logo of 夢想成真資訊股份有限公司.
重灌/遊戲加速/資料救援/實況調整/伺服器設定/繪圖影音軟體最佳化/ 經營理念 公司是新興產業 嚮往GOOGLE APPLE管理方式 注重員工進步 有效利用時間 不會一板一眼 但是也並不代表 可以每天過度鬆散
The employer was active over 2 years ago
Logo of 博敦電子股份有限公司.
一家整合性線上娛樂公司自許。 2015年推出自主研發的休閒類手機遊戲「HUGA Slots 野蠻世界娛樂城」並在Google Play和APP store上架。 聖祐遊戲相關網站: HUGA Slots 野蠻世界娛樂城 官網 HUGA Slots 野蠻世界娛樂城 粉
The employer was active 12 days ago
Logo of WitsPer 智選家 (智選科技股份有限公司).
一、WitsPer智選家介紹: WitsPer 智選家創業之初就是想要把真正有特色和技術優勢的產品帶入大眾視野。通過對全球3C最新技術的內容傳播、產品販售、使用體驗、技術服務等直至便捷生活的理念,讓科技零
The employer was active about 7 hours ago
新北市中和區中正路700號13樓之1 (遠東世紀廣場K棟)

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