CakeResume Job Search

Logo of Syncopate Innovations Co Ltd..
Syncopate Innovations are a sister firm of Soundmouse (UK). We work on the world leading Audio Recognition platform for broadcasts and content providers around the world, ensuring that Composers and Artists get paid for the music they create. Our team is multi-national, and we have experts in Machine Learning, Signal Processing and Infrastructure design. We're hiring!
The employer was active 1年以上 ago
Futureward Central
Logo of BlastUp Arts.
This is BlastUp Arts Academy, a new bilingual music education brand in Tianmu, Taipei. Our mission is to create a joyful and unprecedented art experience for our students, connect to the world, and broaden their horizons through the arts. We are looking for music teachers to create an enjoyable learning environment to inspire students and help them grow in appreciation of music. join us and create a top-notch music education environment together!
The employer was active 2年近く ago
Taiwan, 台北市士林區忠誠路二段140巷18弄5號
Logo of 這球音樂事業有限公司.
您好,我們是台北目前最具規模的音樂培訓中心「這球音樂教室」,有關我們: 在這球工作的夥伴來自各方,有熱愛樂團文化(尤其獨立樂團)的熱血男女、也有專業創作人、職業樂手、音樂製作人、專業編曲
The employer was active 2年近く ago
Logo of theLOOP Inc..
Hey, what’s up! 你或許還不認識我們,但是如果你對國內的派對生態圈略知一二的話,你很難不接觸到我們。舉凡 Looptopia 樂托邦國際音樂季,以及每年夏季在新北市工商展覽中心舉辦的白色派對、萬聖時節
The employer was active 2年以上 ago
台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 197 號 10 樓之 1
Logo of 海恩藝能有限公司.
學唱歌介紹 海恩音樂學唱歌致力於歌唱教學訓練越過十年頭,秉持沒有先天條件的學唱歌而是找到對的歌唱教學經由後天努力訓練追求解決途徑且加上用經驗學習換取已流失的機會 │階
The employer was active 2か月 ago
Logo of 環球國際唱片股份有限公司.
環球音樂集團(Universal Music Group,UMG)創立於1930年,是全球三大唱片公司之一。環球音樂在全球音樂娛樂產業居引領地位,超過六十個國家和地區設有子公司,旗下知名廠牌眾多,包括Universal, Polydor,Decca,Mercury,Island,Geffen,A&M,Motown,Interscope,EMI
The employer was active 12日 ago
Logo of ExistLive.
At ExistLive we're rewriting the score for live music entertainment. We believe in empowering the creators, not the conglomerates. By cutting out the middlemen, we ensure that more of the spotlight revenue goes directly into the hands of event creators. We're not just staging concerts; we're orchestrating a movement to reclaim the economic stage for those who make events unforgettable. Join us in harmonizing a new era where every beat contributes to the success of the creators
The employer was active 約1か月 ago
929 South High Street, West Chester, PA, USA
Logo of 友善的狗文化活動股份有限公司.
1986~2004 「友善的狗」成立於 1986 年,當時是由兩位元優秀的音樂製作人沈光遠和羅紘武共同發起的團隊,躬逢其盛,有幸參與臺灣音樂史上的黃金年代。 1980~2000 年間,是臺灣音樂圈的輝煌年代,不論在音樂創
The employer was active 5日 ago
台灣台北市中正區愛國東路48號3 樓
Logo of 德布西音樂藝術中心.
「德布西」是二十世紀最偉大的法國作曲家,音樂像畫面般充滿明暗光影,亦擅長以音樂描繪異國風情, 印尼、摩洛哥、日本、中國、西班牙⋯⋯而你會驚訝這些地方德布西其實一生中從未踏足。 「命名為德布
The employer was active 6か月 ago
Logo of TRIO Music 空氣工房音樂有限公司.
TRIO Music 於2012成立 — 亞洲最專業高階管樂器販售與維修技術的結合,代理國際頂級樂器品牌Brannen Brothers , Powell Flute 以及Schwenk&Seggelke,專業維修技術聞名,深受國內外音樂家及愛樂者的信任。 於2020年成立 TRIO Music 藝術中心,規劃
The employer was active 10か月 ago

