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Tips Cari Kerja
18 Jan 2022

Freelancers in 2022: Top 8 Most Lucrative Industries

In 2021, we saw a proliferated growth in the freelancing industry. For a freelancer-to-be, you should know the top eight fastest-growing freelance industries in 2022, how much you can earn and where to look for them.
Career Planning
4 Mei 2021

Qualities of a Successful Freelancer [+Tips]

Freelancing is not easy to break into, here are the six qualities & tips you should embody to become a successful freelancer. Some of the qualities can be later accumulated through experience, but the rest is closely tied with your personality.
Tips Cari Kerja
4 Mei 2021

Working from Home Starter Pack: Freelancing 101

Freelancing, like SOHO or piecework, offers freedom and flexibility. Freelancing allows you to choose the type of work you do, who you work with, what your workflow is like, where you prefer to work and how much workload you take on.

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