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27 Agt 2020

Project Managers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

How to write a project manager resume? A project manager (PM) is responsible for leading an entire project through initiation, planning, execution, and control. Project managers always work in a team. They need a lot of soft skills along with hard skills. So how to showcase your project management skills in a resume?

從電機系到設計系:Mozilla 產品設計師的轉職故事

今天科技職涯 podcast 的來賓 Mark 從電機系轉攻互動設計研究所,在美國經歷了廣告公司 AKQA 的創意訓練,再回到台灣擔任 Mozilla 產品設計師,這背後有什麼心路歷程呢?工程背景又對設計工作有什麼影響呢?
19 Agt 2020

Product Managers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

How to write a product manager resume? For product managers, there is no right background, school or hard skills. Different products often require different skill sets, which means that you need to tailor your resume for different PM roles. Act like a product manager and ask yourself: is this what they want?
Tips Cari Kerja
13 Jul 2020

Why Networking Helps You Land a Job: 6 Easy Ways for College Students

Why is networking important? Referred job applicants are 5 times more likely than average to be hired, and 15 times more likely to be hired than applicants from a job board, but how to get a referral? Here are some ways to expand your network and lead to referrals.
31 Jul 2020

College Students: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

How to make a student resume with no work experience? It is challenging indeed, but every CEO starts with zero experience. What should be on a college student resume? How to choose the right resume format? Here are some helpful resume guidelines, examples and tips for university students.

矽谷的開源網路基金會在做什麼? ONF 工程師淺談非營利組織工作

本集《科技職涯》Podcast 節目邀請到在矽谷的開放網路基金會 (Open Networking Foundation) 擔任 Member of Technical Staff ,同時也是台灣 CNTUG (Cloud Native Taiwan User Group) 的共同創辦人邱宏瑋。開源網路是什麼? ONF 在做什麼?來聽聽宏瑋的經驗分享!
Career Planning
30 Jun 2020



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