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Angela Yu

在台灣生活的香港人,目前在台中擔任前端(UI/UX)設計師,畢業於香港理工大學專上學院視覺傳達設計系。 從事網頁視覺及前端設計(UI/UX)工作6年+。 喜歡每天發掘及學習新事物,喜歡從0到1開發不同的產品。 最新熱衷於如何跟AI溝通和學習coding。 熱愛咖啡,早上一杯好的咖啡總是給我動力完成一天的工作。 座右銘:"work SMART, play HARD"。 An UI/UX & FrontEnd Designer from Hong Kong, currently based in Taichung, Taiwan. I have been in this industry for 6+ years. Love to learn and explore new possibilities, particularly enjoying the challenge of product development from 0 to 1. Currency learning how to communicate and coding with AI. Coffee Addict, always needs a cup of good coffee to start the day :) Motto: " work SMART, play HARD " .
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