Avatar of Deborah Lin 林恩琪.
Deborah Lin 林恩琪
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Deborah Lin 林恩琪

◆ 具廣告投放與電商後台操作經驗 ◆ 廣告行銷經驗,提案報吿、結案報表呈現 ◆ 產品開發、生產管理追蹤、跨國出口業務、客戶接待與關係維持 ◆ 跨部門、跨國雙語溝通協商能力、外派中國開會經驗
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Neogence 霓淨思 德典生技股份有限公司
淡江大學 Tamkung University
Taipei City, Taiwan

Professional Background

  • Current status
  • Profession
    Content Marketer
  • Fields
    AdTech / MarTech
    Marketing / Communications
  • Work experience
    4-6 years (4-6 years relevant)
  • Management
  • Skills
    Sales & Customer Service
    English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
  • Desired work locations
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    New Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

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Aug 2021 - Apr 2022
9 mos
產品行銷推廣,建議不同通路的品牌客戶適當的產品,妥善運用公司資源,找尋公司和客戶利益最大化的交集點,說服客戶完成下單,在4個月內新客成交業績金額達到200多萬 ◆負責專案客戶維護及海內外開發新客戶 Responsible for customer maintenance and development of new customers domestic and abroad. ◆保養品生物科技等相關產業OEM或ODM銷售或產品開發 OEM or ODM product development for beauty, skin care products, biotechnology and other related sales. ◆定期拜訪客戶,協助相關售後服務和客戶關係維持 Visit customers regularly to assist related after-sales service and customer relationship maintenance. ◆ 産品提案/送樣作業,相關訂單處理 Product proposal/sample delivery, related order processing. ◆報價、訂單流程處理、銷貨退回、帳款作業 Quotation, order processing, sales return, and accounting operations. ◆滿意度調查、客訴處理及溝通協調 Satisfaction survey, customer complaint handling and resolve commercial issues.
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專案經理 Product Manager

Jan 2021 - Aug 2021
8 mos
針對不同品牌客戶TA分析開發產品進而行銷推廣,於6個月內成交金額520萬,其中幾位專案客戶為:葡萄王、台灣康貝(combi)、老行家、美合 (UNT)、美翠時、藝群、阿原 ◆負責專案客戶維護及海內外開發新客戶 Responsible for customer maintenance and development of new customers domestic and abroad. ◆定期拜訪客戶,協助相關售後服務和客戶關係維持 Visit customers regularly to assist related after-sales service and customer relationship maintenance. ◆ 産品提案/送樣作業,相關訂單處理 Product proposal/sample delivery, related order processing. ◆報價、訂單流程處理、銷貨退回、帳款作業 Quotation, order processing, sales return, and accounting operations. ◆滿意度調查、客訴處理及溝通協調 Satisfaction survey, customer complaint handling and resolve commercial issues. ◆美妝、保養品、生技等相關產業OEM或ODM銷售或產品開發 OEM or ODM product development for beauty, skin care products, biotechnology and other related sales. ◆ 建檔管理, 製作產品SOP履歷細項 File management, production of products SOP resume details.
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Feb 2020 - Jan 2021
1 yr 0 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
廣告優化的提升是成就感的來源,其中將佳醫美人廣告活動的CPC在相同的預算下提升1.5倍,經手客戶案件:伊萊克斯ELUX、Fair Lady、全民瘋車Bar、CYJ集團、健髮中心 ◆客戶需求溝通與專案進度控管 Customer demand communication and project progress control. ◆市場觀察及客群資料蒐集分析 Market observation and customer data collection analysis. ◆行銷素材溝通與執行(文案、廣告素材等)Marketing material communication and execution (copywriting, advertising material, etc.) ◆ 網站流量成效追蹤、成效數據化分析並提供優化建議 Website performance tracking, performance data analysis and optimisation suggestions. ◆廣告企劃案╱文案撰寫創意發想與提案報告及效益評估 Advertising plan/copywriting, creative ideas, proposal reports and benefit evaluation. ◆協助國內外知名品牌進行廣告投放操作 Assist well-known brands at domestic and abroad to advertising operations. ◆管理廣告帳戶、廣告預算控管、進行投放設定、追蹤碼安裝、成效監控優化 Manage advertising accounts, control advertising budgets, set delivery settings, install tracking codes, and optimize performance monitoring. ◆數位廣告轉換成效分析與建議(CPA、ROAS等)Analysis and recommendations on the conversion effectiveness of digital advertising (CPA, ROAS, etc.) ◆成效數據匯整與結案報告報表製作
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Online Marketing Specialist

Jan 2018 - Oct 2019
1 yr 10 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
將客戶廣告ROAS平均提升5%以上,其中因將 17Life ROAS 提升至10%以上,客戶將廣告預算加碼進公司 ,經手過案件:17Life、UP LIVE、錢街Online、御城少女、剑破苍穹 ◆遊戲專案客戶需求溝通與專案進度控管 Game customer demand communication and project progress control. ◆市場觀察及客群資料蒐集分析 Market observation and customer data collection analysis. ◆行銷素材溝通與執行(文案、廣告素材等)Marketing material communication and execution (copywriting, advertising material, etc.) ◆ 網站流量成效追蹤、成效數據化分析並提供優化建議 Website performance tracking, performance data analysis and optimisation suggestions. ◆廣告企劃案╱文案撰寫創意發想與提案報告及效益評估 Advertising plan/copywriting, creative ideas, proposal reports and benefit evaluation. ◆協助國內外知名品牌進行廣告投放操作 Assist well-known brands at domestic and abroad to advertising operations. ◆管理廣告帳戶、廣告預算控管 Manage advertising accounts, control advertising budgets. ◆數位廣告轉換成效分析與建議(CPA、ROAS等)Analysis and recommendations on the conversion effectiveness of digital advertising (CPA, ROAS, etc.) ◆成效數據匯整與結案報告報表製作 Performance data collection and case closure report presentation.


Jan 2016 - Jan 2018
2 yrs 1 mo
◆客戶需求溝通與專案進度控管 Customer demand communication and project progress control. ◆市場觀察及客群資料蒐集分析 Market observation and customer data collection analysis. ◆負責客戶維護及協辦產品發表會 Responsible for customer maintenance and co-organize product launches. ◆ 産品提案/送樣作業,相關訂單處理 Product proposal/sample delivery, related order processing. ◆定期拜訪客戶,協助相關售後服務和客戶關係維持 Visit customers regularly to assist related after-sales service and customer relationship maintenance. ◆報價、訂單流程處理、銷貨退回、帳款作業 Quotation, order processing, sales return, and accounting operations. ◆滿意度調查、客訴處理及溝通協調 Satisfaction survey, customer complaint handling and resolve commercial issues. ◆ 掌握產品量產與出貨狀況,並追蹤產品交期 Comprehensive experience to operate the mass production and shipment status of the product, and track the product delivery date. ◆ 服務店家客戶及大陸代理商 Serving store customers and agents in mainland China ◆ 協辦產品發表會教育訓練 Co-organize product launch conference education and training ◆ 網路廣告行銷 Online Advertising Strategy Marketing ◆ 完成OEM& ODM 訂單 #業務或通路開發 #業績目標分配與績效達成 #網路活動規劃與執行 #社群媒體經營管理 #業績與管理報表撰寫 #提案與簡報技巧


Jan 2014 - Jan 2016
2 yrs 1 mo
◆ 完成申請中國大陸保養品三證 Completed the applications for three certificates of China skincare products ◆ 協助公司產品正式出口報關,聯繫兩岸物流 Assisting in officially export declarations. ◆ 訂單出貨服務會員客戶 Order shipping service to member customer ◆ 一般文書資料處理工作 General clerical data processing ◆ 維護、更新、管理各類文件檔案(如:合約、會議記錄、書目資料、活動文件) 和資料庫系統。 ◆ 公文處理(收文、發文) Maintain, update, and manage various document files (such as contracts, meeting records, event documents) and database systems. ◆ 出納審核彙整請款(行政零用金管理) Cashier review, collect and request payment (administrative petty cash management) ◆ 人事事宜(到職、離職作業、人力招募...等) Personnel matters (employment, resignation, manpower recruitment... etc.) ◆ 採購包材、消耗品、臨時用品(含其他部門) Procurement of packaging materials, consumables, temporary supplies (including other departments) ◆ 協助業務登打銷貨單、出貨Ì、開立發票 Assist the business in printing sales orders, shipping, and issuing invoices ◆ 計畫核銷事宜(協助活動執行)


May 2013 - Dec 2013
8 mos
◆ 國內外美容相關產品採購、客戶與廠商聯繫 Purchasing beauty-related products at domestic and abroad, contacting customers and manufacturers. ◆ 建檔管理, 製作產品履歷細項 File management, production of product resume details. ◆ 聯繫國內外貨代、英中翻譯 Contact domestic and foreign freight forwarders, English-Chinese translation. ◆ 專案產品採購管理 Project product procurement management. ◆ 國際貿易進出口業務及流程控管 International trade import and export business process operate. ◆ 客戶資料更新維護、產品進銷存統計分析 Update and maintenance of customer information, statistical analysis of product purchase, sales and inventory. ◆ 會議╱談判即時口譯 Simultaneous interpretation for meetings/negotiations.


Bachelor of Arts (BA)
2013 - 2017

Licenses & Certifications

Credential ID: 49469657
Issued Jun 2022
No Expiration Date