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I Hsuan Lee
Sr. UI/UX Designer @ ViewSonic International Corporation
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I Hsuan Lee

Sr. UI/UX Designer @ ViewSonic International Corporation
將自我的橫切面取出一片,解構,加入你的故事,再結構成新的語言,與這世界的其他人溝通。 I tell stories via expressive digital outcomes and create user-centric solutions.
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ViewSonic International Corporation
Goldsmiths, University of London

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
  • Profesi
    UX Design
    UI Design/ GUI Design
  • Bidang
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    6-10 tahun (relevan 6-10 tahun)
  • Management
    Saya berpengalaman mengelola 1-5 orang
  • Skil
  • Bahasa
    Bahasa ibu atau Bilingual
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Taipei, Taiwan
    London, UK
  • Bekerja lepas

Pengalaman Kerja

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Sr. UI/UX Designer

10/2022 - Sekarang

UI / UX Designer

02/2022 - 06/2022
5 mos
- 優化小農作平台佔比 90% 由廣告導入的首購顧客使用流程,改善此客群在結帳流程中需跨平台而造成的高跳出率問題,並優化 Landing Page頁面的資訊架構設計。 - 透過使用者訪談內容繪製 User Journey Map,從中分析使用者痛點,進而定義開發問題與目標。由繪製 Flow 及 Wireframe 確認開發及商業需求,並以此需求結論進行視覺稿設計,過程持續與工程師溝通畫面及動態需求,將優化內容於2個半月內分次更新上線完成。 - 加入品牌概念優化介面設計,以此定義平台設計Guideline 及通用素材,並在 Figma 建立 Share Library,以此建立一致的設計元素,提升使用者閱讀資訊流暢度。 - 進行市場分析以建立新平台的品牌概念及方向,並建立品牌遊戲化會員制度。 - I optimised 90% customers' experience who were first-buying users from Facebook advertisements. In this project, I solved two issues in the checkout process, including the high bounce rate caused by crossing three different applications and the unclear information structure on Landing Page. - I made a User Journey Map based on user interviews and analyse pain points in it, and then defined experienced issues and development goals. Alongside this, I confirmed the development and business requests via drawing flow and wireframe and collaborated with engineers my UI layouts and interaction ideas. In the end, we released these versions in two and half months. - Reframe a branding concept and established Figma shared libraries. Also, I made the design guidelines and consistent UI materials to enhance the fluency while users' browsing. - Built a new branding concept and direction based on marketing research, and established membership rules in a gamification way.

UI / UX Designer

09/2020 - 02/2022
1 yr 6 mos
- 透過問卷及訪談等方式進行使用者研究,並將資訊分析結果轉換成 User Story,優化使用流程及 Wireframe。 - 透過協同創作的方式與業主及工程團隊進行 Brainstorming,取得商業利益與技術可行性的平衡。 - 考量前端模組建立,進行 UI 頁面繪製及 Design Guideline,加速後續討論及開發流程。 - 使用 HTML 及 CSS 建立頁面架構,調整前端工程師網站樣式,以符合原始 UI 創作需求。 - 商業活動主視覺創作,及延伸活動 banner 之製作。 - 為零網站建構基礎的使用者撰寫文章。整理在過往經驗中業主常見的問題,以更淺顯易懂的方式讓非開發者理解,以降低開發團隊與需求者之間的溝通成本。 - 使用 Wordpress 建立簡易型網站,工作範疇包含從設計到架構及樣式的程式建立。 - Transforming user research collected from questionnaires and interviews into user stories. Using this information as a foundation to optimise user flow and wireframe. - Collaborating with clients and development teams on idea generation, using design thinking methods to find a balance between commercial potential/benefits and technological feasibility. - Establishing UI layouts and design guidelines from program modules to assist the development team to create better workflow, continuity and teamwork. - Utilising my technical knowledge to revise HTML and CSS styles to meet the concepts of UI/UX design. - Creating the key visual components of seasonal commercial events, and also design extended banners for advertising purposes. - Drawing on my experience and knowledge to write technical articles for inexperienced developers. Therefore saving costs and improving communication between clients and the development teams. - Website building with WordPress, including UI designs and related programs.


09/2019 - 09/2019
1 mo
- 協助藝術家 Yuri Suzuki 團隊製作 2019年9月於倫敦設計美術館的 ‘Sound in Mind’ 創作展。依據藝術家的創作概念,製作符合展場空間的聲音裝置藝術品,並協助於美術館現場佈置。 - Working with the artist Yuri Suzuki's team members with the creation of the exhibition of ‘Sound in Mind’, and assisting with exhibition design and installation at the Design Museum in London.
Logo of the organization.

UI / UX Designer

11/2016 - 07/2017
9 mos
- 與客戶訪談了解需求,設計風格及主視覺定調,向業主進行提案報告。 - 管理 7-10人專案團隊,成員包含前後端開發者及其他設計成員,進行多方需求的整合與決策平衡的解決方案。控管專案執行進度及設計細節,讓專案得以在成員各自專業中,於預期時程內完成。 - 網站架構圖及使用流程圖繪製,並反覆進行使用者測試及修改,以建立更友善操作方式。 - Wireframe 繪製、UI 頁面設計、Wordpress網站建置、前端程式(HTML / CSS)修改。 - 於網站開發完成後,正式上線前,進行反覆使用者操作測試及相關壓力測試,並將結果提交報告,與開發團隊進行溝通調整。 - Creating key visual design solutions that addressed business, brand, market and user needs. Establishing and maintaining visual integrity and consistency of client projects. Translating business objectives into design solutions. - Managing a team of programmers, designers and project managers to achieve project requirements, and overseeing the project executing schedule to make sure projects were finished on time and of the highest quality. - Planning the entire project architecture and user flow, examining and revising details repeatedly to build a more friendly user experience. - Building user friendly Wireframes, UI designs, WordPress development, and HTML/CSS programs. - Testing a series of examinations to discover and resolve errors. Problem solving and proposing solutions to development teams.

UI / UX Designer

09/2012 - 10/2016
4 yrs 2 mos
- UI 視覺頁面設計及相關延伸製作,包含:靜態動態廣告 Banner、EDM 製作。 - 使用者情境測試及記錄,使用者訪談並將調查資料整理分析,提出優化 UI 設計之建議。 - 與設計團隊合作,並與工程師開發團隊進行設計需求溝通。 - 繪製 Sitemap、Wireframe,設計網站或 App 之動態操作效果。 - 使用前端框架 Bootstrap 建立網站架構及樣式。 - 網站操作手冊製作,進行相關網站管理維護人員的教育訓練。 - Developing UI design solutions and related extended designs, including advertisement banners and EDM designs. - Problem solving to optimise UI/UX design, based on collected data of user processes and experiences. - Negotiating with programmers, designers and managers to help define all requirements in UI designs. - Developing project architecture including sitemap, wireframe, UI designs and interaction effects. - Building program structures and styles with Bootstrap. - Designing the manual of website operation, training staffs to ensure websites were managed and maintained correctly.


MA Design: Expanded Practice
2018 - 2020
2008 - 2011
2007 - 2008