Avatar of Ian Mitchell King.
Ian Mitchell King
Business consultant
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Ian Mitchell King

Business consultant
Based in Studio City, California, Ian Mitchell King is a management consultant, especially a non-lawyer. He has military experience as well. He was reared in Encino, California, where he was born. King is currently a Senior Advisor with a business that owns and manages real estate properties, including cafes, convenience stores, and accounting firms. King excels as a Senior Advisor in a notable business firm that manages a varied portfolio, including real estate, restaurants, convenience stores, and accounting firms. His leadership and expertise also shine in his role as the owner and Managing Partner of Kings Consultants LLC, a Crisis Management Firm. In this capacity, he has been instrumental in steering numerous organizations and individuals through complex challenges, guiding them toward growth and success. His professional understanding is deeply rooted in his exceptional problem-solving and crisis-management skills, supplemented by a solid background in business and law. His military service is a testament to his dedication and resilience, qualities he brings to every aspect of his work. In terms of education, he pursued a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Southern California (USC). He further advanced his expertise by completing a Master of Business Administration with notable academic success. His pursuit of knowledge culminated in earning a law degree from the University of San Diego, where he was honored as a Merit Scholar, receiving a scholarship that covered a significant portion of his tuition fees. Significant achievements mark King's military tenure. Serving first as an Enlisted Infantry Marine and later as an LT. in the Navy, he has been recognized for his exemplary service, including being named Marine Corps Company Honor Man and graduating top of his class from the School of Infantry. His military journey also included prestigious positions such as a Navy LT Public Affairs Advisor to an Admiral and a Pentagon Staff Member for the Secretary of Defense, highlighting his leadership and commitment.
Kings Consultants LLC
Beverly Hills, CA, USA



  • 目前状态
  • 专业
  • 产业
  • 工作年资
    15 年以上 (15 年以上相关工作经验)
  • 管理经历
    我有管理 1~5 人的经验
  • 技能
    volunteer work
  • 最高学历


  • 预期工作模式
  • 希望获得的职位
  • 期望的工作地点
  • 接案服务


Business Consultant

2003年1月 - 现在

