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我是陳彥廷,一個互動設計師,擁有產品設計及擴增實境(AR)開發背景,致力於結合科技與設計的力量,以創造出新型態的互動體驗。因為認知到AR在未來能提供可觀的互動性,所以從2017年開始就鑽研於這一領域。我相信未來隨著開發工具的門檻越來越低,設計的影響力也會越來越大,而我具有能創意地應用技術的關鍵能力。 An interaction designer with multidisciplinary experiences in product design, combinational innovation, and AR development . I have a great interest in combining design and technology to expand the use of technology and reshape user experience. I believe as the technical barrier is getting lower for developers, the importance of design and creativity will be truly highlighted than ever.