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Josephus Kilikpo
Research Assistant
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Josephus Kilikpo

Research Assistant
Josephus Kilikpo MPH, Epidemiology, Cuttington University Graduate School Educating future generations of the possibilities within the field of public health. The field of public health is so diverse, which can be confusing for students and young professionals who are looking to explore it. Highlighting career paths and opportunities for involvement and development would open many doors and possibilities for the next generation of public health professionals. The biggest challenge that the public health field should be focusing on is infectious disease prevention. This includes focusing on vaccination and antimicrobial stewardship, while understanding disease transmission and proper infection prevention measures. Additionally, this will help with preventing outbreaks of potentially devastating diseases and limit morbidity and mortality related to outbreaks if they do occur
Ministry of Health, Liberia
Graduate School



  • 目前状态
  • 专业
  • 产业
  • 工作年资
    4 到 6 年 (2 到 4 年相关工作经验)
  • 管理经历
    我有管理 5~10 人的经验
  • 技能
    Work In A Fast Paced Environment
    Interpersonal Skills
    Computer Software
  • 最高学历


  • 预期工作模式
  • 希望获得的职位
    Research Assistant
  • 期望的工作地点
  • 接案服务


Research Officer/Epi Dashboard Assistant

2020年3月 - 现在
 Conducting revision and provide regular updates on the National Weekly Early Warning Bulletin and monthly and quarterly dashboards  Contributing to the development and finalization of HIS assessment tools and sub systems and conducting of comprehensive assessments of HIS  Preparing and publishing of dashboards on the status of disease prevention and control in Liberia with close collaboration with all partners  Generating, monitoring and sharing of information on public health surveillance through relevant advocacy forum/platform and materials on surveillance  Establishing communication lines with public health laboratories including reference laboratories at national and international levels  Performing any other related task as assigned

Research Assistant

2016年1月 - 现在

(eDEWS) Administrator

2016年4月 - 2016年10月
7 个月
 Calling the 4pilot Counties of Liberia daily to get a real time update from DSO in the district  Received electronic report on the dashboard of the eDEWS website.  DSO verifying data from their district of health facilities they are covering.  Downloading a weekly report from the 4 pilot counties for their reports  Correcting facilities code on the dashboard when there is error from the field


Non-Degree Program (e.g. Coursera certificate)
Masters Degree in Public Health; Department of Epidemiology Cuttington
- 2021
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Bachelor of Science B.Sc. Degree in Biology
- 2014