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您好,我叫張蟬伊,畢業於台南科技大學美術系。擁有十年美術設計經驗;包含一年平面視覺設計經驗,以及九年遊戲美術設計經驗。任職期間參與製作的 APP 手遊《幻想神域》、《風之國度》等遊戲全球營收破億,並衍生出數個系列作品。 近兩年在遊戲開發公司擔任Unity UI 美術設計師,完成頁遊及手遊並已上架市場,在跨部門的溝通與協作上都會考慮到使用者的體驗與視覺感受,加上多年的美術設計經驗,相信這些經歷必能為視覺設計呈現增色不少。 以下網址是部分作品集,請不吝指導,謝謝! https://www.behance.net/lain2234b525/ Hi, ​ My name is Chan-I, a Visual Artist, with more than 7 years of visual design experience in 2D visual and 3D modeling. My project Aura Kingdom & Tales of Wind have created more than 100 millions revenue and several sequences during my 5 years art designer career in X-LEGEND, who is the leading Mobile gaming R&D company. Currently I am a 3D Unity designer, in charge of gaming scenarios design, planning and execution, the product will be launched in the October. ​ ​ As an art designer, I have lots of chances involving the end-to-end game design process, which includes multiple game user interfaces setup, these UI gets my interesting so I have completed a UI/UX commercial design program earlier this year, believing the art design experience plus my UI experience will enhance the overall user experience in the future. ​ ​ Lastly, you may find my portfolio by the following link, please feel free to let me know if any, ​ https://www.behance.net/lain2234b525/ ​ Thanks,​ ​ Chan-I​ ​
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