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Prabhat Paul Jain

A Northern California entrepreneur with a leadership background in technology management, Prabhat Paul Jain heads SliQBits (Clyp Video) and provides video streaming solutions to clients in emerging markets with low bandwidth capacities. Prabhat Paul Jain started his career in Silicon Valley in the 1970s in the subassembly and video game console manufacturing fields and partnered with leading entrepreneurs in the region to launch various technology ventures. In the early 1980s, Prabhat Paul Jain served as CEO of Paradise Systems. He built a 50-strong team from the University of California, Berkeley, College of Engineering, and worked to covert leading video games to the Commodore VIC-64 from the Atari console. With Microsoft licensing the firm’s Multiplan accounting package to Human Engineered Software (HES), the consumer base included nationwide distributors and retailers. Milestones included developing the first color card worldwide, as well as a powerful single-chip VGA. Mr. Jain subsequently collaborated with Steve Jobs and Walt Broedner as CEO of Video-7 in developing Apple computers’ first RGB color card. In the early 1990s, he established Value Media and pioneered mass volume integrated audio cards that were integrated within CD Rom drives and distributed to retailers around the globe. The firm emerged as a leading-edge multimedia technology company that integrated best-selling CD-ROM titles within multimedia kits and was acquired by Turtle Beach.
Dazzle Multimedia
University of California, Berkeley
Pleasant Hill, CA, USA



  • 目前狀態
  • 專業
  • 產業
  • 工作年資
  • 管理經歷
  • 最高學歷


  • 預期工作模式
  • 希望獲得的職位
  • 期望的工作地點
  • 接案服務



1996年2月 - 1999年3月
3 年 2 個月


Master of Science (MS)
Electrical Engineering
1971 - 1973