Avatar of Sindy Chen.
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Avatar of Sindy Chen.
Associate Marketing Manager
alrededor de 2 años

So true!

Accepting the fact that you're vulnerable and learning from it is the first step to become a stronger self ✨


Avatar of Steffie Mayrelin.
Marketing Specialist at CakeResume
alrededor de 2 años

#好書分享 📖

《Daring Greatly》─ Brené Brown

Vulnerability means the willingness to show up and let ourselves be seen as our authentic, imperfect selves.

Some examples of vulnerability:

- Getting fired

- Starting a business

- Saying I love you first

- The list goes on.

The single line that connects those examples is fueled by the fear of being unworthy.

People are afraid of being ordinary. The cultural message in the present world is that we are not good enough. Hustle culture, productivity, perfectionism, the fear of shame has permeated every corner of our culture.

In spite of all this, this book challenges us to encourage vulnerability in our daily lives. Because it is when we take off the vulnerability armory, we’re able to live wholeheartedly and prevent cruelty, criticism, and cynicism in all of us.

This hits home for anyone striving in facing this scarcity culture we have in this world.

Until next time ~


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