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Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

💥 New #nft character is released!--Apocalypse Echo Creature-Ω-Plague

Creatures infected by the plague will have hallucinations, feel that the world is quite beautiful, and the surroundings are full of colorful streamer phantoms.

At the same time, uninfected people will appear as shadows wrapped in black silk threads and have a solid motivation to "rescue" these shadow creatures.

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#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #blockchaingames #crypto

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/9RFQZjtCFlo

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Have you been glued to the screen or have you flown all the way to Qatar to support your favorite team? Well, it doesn’t matter! We’re all "livin’ la FIFA loca"!

This year is like no other for FIFA world cup as it sets foot in Web3, featuring various blockchain-based games, NFTs and fan tokens.

Fan tokens are types of utility tokens, which are crypto assets stored on the blockchain. They bring fans all over the world together as a community, creating exclusive experiences such as offering fan voting rights on team matters, VIP access to events and chances to win player-signed merchandise.

Unlike NFTs, fan tokens are fungible, meaning that they are interchangeable and can be traded on crypto exchanges. According to Kaiko, a Paris crypto data firm, the average daily fan token trading volume rose tenfolds, from $32 million in October to $300 million in November.

Yes, these tokens can be great investments but they are by nature more about being a part of something bigger than yourself.

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtu.be/CKnZc9_CaYA

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Following the collapse of FTX in November, the crypto industry has experienced a rollercoaster ride of emotions. This week is no exception. Reuter reported that Binance was allegedly involved in violating sanctions and money laundering laws. We also see Jump Trading and Justin Sun transfer a huge amount out of Binance. Binance even temporarily paused withdrawals of USDC, which stirred up more fear of another crypto crash.

On Dec. 13, there was a spike in customers withdrawals, with net outflows reaching $3 billion within 24 hours. As investors continue to move their funds off Binance, CZ has been reassuring investors that the exchange has seen higher volume of withdrawal when Luna and FTX collapsed. Justin Sun also revealed that he has deposited 100 million back into Binance, hoping to calm the market.

Do you think this heavy withdrawal is pure FUD, “fear, uncertainty and doubt”, that was spread across the media or is Binance going to be the next domino to fall?

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🔥2022/12/14 每週新聞🔥

以下內容是 Karma Ksana 團隊本週為大家精選的文章,包含了有趣的知識與市場最新資訊,供各位參考:

1️⃣ 幣安提款潮 ——「18.5億美元」於24小時內自交易所流出!USDT 佔34%

繼 FTX 事件後,交易所幣安(Binance)的儲備報告近日遭質疑真實性,導致幣安在 24 小時內淨流出額達 18.5 億美元,並暫停 USDC 提領。


2️⃣ SEC公告:FTX創辦人SBF 犯證券詐欺罪!謊稱安全籌募股權 18 億美金

美國證券交易委員(SEC)主席 Gary Gentler 在公告中表示:「 SBF 在欺騙基礎上建造了一座紙牌屋,同時告訴投資者這是加密貨幣中最安全的建築之一。」


3️⃣ Bankless:熊市中,哪些加密項目在逆勢增長?

即便現在是加密貨幣市場的寒冬,仍有如 Lens Protocol 、Sound Protocol 、Optimism 等項目有亮眼的成績。



歡迎留言發表評論、持續關注 Karma Ksana 社區,掌握區塊鏈領域大小事!

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Let's do things right on chain! 🙌🏻

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

<The First Invasion>

▪️The space was torn apart; the land trembled. All of a sudden, a huge portal ripped open above the city as hideous colossal alien monsters burst out, taking over the city by storm.

▪️Even the most sophisticated military weapons developed in this advanced technology era were unable to stop the damage these alien monsters caused to civilization. Refugees curled up by the debris and ruins, praying for the great gods to show up and lead them out of their suffering.

▪️However, there was no god in an era of technological advances. All they could hope for was a fantastical military plan that was secretly on the move. Human’s remnant military government forces, with their advanced weapons, opened the time portal and traveled back to the time of ancient gods.

▪️They exclaimed, “even though gods don’t exist in this spacetime, we pledge to bring ancient gods back to earth, in whatever means possible!”

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#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #NFT #art

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

Our 2nd NFT Giveaway event has ended. Thank you all for joining us! Wish you luck 🤞

Check the result 👉 https://youtu.be/S0MoYKKddOM

Please stay tuned for the next event, thank you! 🙏

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #nftgiveaway

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/5Cmh8fFRmyA

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If the FTX saga got you agonizing about your decision to trust FTX over other centralized crypto exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, you might be wasting your time and tears.

What we’ve all learnt from FTX is there’s not a firm that’s too big to fail and you should only leave enough of cryptocurrencies for transactions on crypto exchanges instead of storing the majority of your digital assets on them. After all, crypto exchanges, like digital banks, are places where people trade cryptocurrencies for cash or other digital assets, NOT the place for you to store your cryptocurrencies.

A lot of people learnt this the hard way. As reported in the news, after FTX went bust, Ledger and Trezor have seen an uptick in sales. It's high time that we learnt how to self-custody our cryptocurrencies! After all, the only person in this whole world that will never betray you is yourself.

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/fFP_8nM9zJM

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🎁 NFT giveaway https://karmaksana.io/en/

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There’s a four letter word that must be a real kick in the guts for FTX account holders and investors right now. Following the collapse of FTX and its ripple effects, people with the benefit of hindsight would say that you should have DYOR, aka Done Your Own Research to prevent all this.

But even prominent banks, venture capitals, and all those smart brains with deep pockets were fooled, can we really escape all this even if we’ve done our own due diligence?

So what’s more to DYOR is to WYOR, weigh your own risk, to return to the fundamentals and ask what does putting my money in a centralized crypto exchange like FTX entail? Am I really going to trust a third-party that gives me the convenience at the expense of control over my keys. And as the saying goes, Not your keys, not your crypto.

We all learn it the hard way. Again, DYOR and WYOR!

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🔥 Karma Genesis' NFT giveaway will start on December 1st at 12:00 (UTC+8)

You can accumulate your entries by entering the campaign page and completing the tasks.

🎁 Link page: https://karmaksana.io/en/nft-giveaway/

📣 Besides, we have different secret codes on our Discord community every day this time! Let's get our friends and families join this campaign!

🤞Good luck to everyone

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert

🔥New NFT character from Karma Genesis is released!

Come & join our NFT giveaway on December 1st


"The reason why mortals have never been able to understand the concept of 'death' is because their definition of life has been too shallow."

Join us & stay tuned for more characters and slogans to come

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #NFT #NFTgiveaway


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