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你好, 我叫田仲展 畢業於淡江大學經濟系 目前(2023)有三年前端工程師的工作經驗,使用框架為React,Vue 以下是工作經歷,與經手過的專案: Work Experience 【M800 (台灣資信) Front End Engineer 2022/1~2023/2】 Communication software CINNOX features developed and maintains: 1.Add staff to inquiry chatroom. 2.Zapier feature connecting. 3.360Dialog feature connecting. 4.Canned Response Message. 5.Wordpress,Joomla,Drupal plugin extension maintain. ⦿Use Tools:React, Redux toolkit, Material UI, Storybook, unit test, RESTful API, MQTT 【TWJOIN (哲昱科技) Front End Leader 2019/11~2021/11 】 Lead 4 developers to develop new product 1.Dolfan https://dolfan.club/login Nuxt.js. Use GSAP and Lottie show animation when api response. Use Socket.io to develop chat rooms. Connecting AWS chime SDK for Live functions. Facebook,Google,Spotify,Apple third party login. Web Layout. Connecting RESTful API. 2.Beyond Beyond https://www.beyondbeyond.com.tw/ Nuxt.js. Web Layout. Connecting RESTful API. 3.Ltedu english listen test https://lo.ltedu.com.tw/#/ Vue 2.js. Web Layout. Connecting RESTful API 4.TCB Bank https://mpp.tcb-bank.com.tw/#/ Vue 2.js. Web Layout. Connecting RESTful API. 5.SAT https://sat.cool/home Vue2.js. Web Layout. Connecting RESTful API. 6.HOLA https://staycation.testritegroup.com/ Maintain and develop new feature(bonus point) Vue2.js. Connecting RESTful API. 7.Itri chart https://itri-event.twjoin.app/#/ (Has been removed) Customers request that they can use Excel info paste and generate charts,so all computational logics are in the frontend. Vue2.js. echart,amChart. Web Layout. 8.Itri test Form https://itri-forum.twjoin.app/#/ Vue2.js. Web Layout. 9.Fundhot https://fundhot.com/ (old version) Maintain and develop new features. jQuery. 【Woworld(窩窩科技) Front End Engineer 2019/7~2019/9】 1.Kuang Long Museum https://www.klmm.com.tw/ Web Layout. 2.FHNet https://www.fhnet.com.tw/news.php Web Layout. 【CX Media(傳訊時代多媒體) Sales 2016/6~2018/6】 1.Marketing channels contact. 2.Industrial cooperation 3.Facebook managemen