Air quality in northern Taiwan: From analysis to m

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Air quality in northern Taiwan: From analysis to m

NLU developer @
Taipei City, Taiwan
Recently, the pollution of PM2.5 in northern Taiwn has became more severe. It has decrease the life expectancy in Asia by 2 years, and people in Taiwan are warning not to exercise outside off works. We can have a look at the news. ---- 研究:PM2.5空污縮短人類預期壽命 亞洲影響最劇 德州大學奧斯汀分校科學團隊先分析空污以外的疾病、傷害和相關喪命風險因素導致的死亡率,再檢視全球185個暴露在PM2.5當中的國家之狀況,探究每個國家的預期壽命與空污之間的關聯,發現全球人類的預期壽命平均短少2年,在英美地區人們的平均壽命少了4個月。 研究指出,亞洲、非州與中東地區的空污問題嚴重,孟加拉人民預期壽命減少1.87年,埃及人民則少掉1.85年,巴基斯坦人民短少1.56年,印度民眾少掉1.53年,阿拉伯人民少了1.48年,奈及利亞民眾短少1.28年,中國人民則是平均少了1.25年的壽命。 (Translated to English by me) Science team of University of Texas at Austin analyzes the mortality caused by diseases, injuries rather than air pollution, and then view the status of 185 countries exposed to PM2.5. They analysised the relationship of the air pollution with life expectancy of each country. The correlation between air pollution and life expectancy is found that the life expectancy of human beings worldwide is 2 years shorter averagely, and the average life expectancy in the British and America is 4 months shorter. The study also pointed out that the air pollution problem in Asia, Africa and the Middle East is extremely severe. The life expectancy of the Bangladeshi is decrease by 1.87 years, the Egypt is 1.85 years shorter, the Pakistan is 1.56 years shorter, the India is 1.53 years shorter, and the Arab people is 1.48 shorter, and China is 1.25 years shorter. 下班後戶外運動好嗎?心臟科名醫:不可以! 根據美國心臟學會2010年的共識報告,PM2.5每增加10個單位,總死亡率約增加15%,心肺疾病死亡率約增加15%,心血管疾病死亡率增加10至15%,缺血性心臟病死亡率增加15至20%。 為何空氣汙染會傷害心血管?洪惠風指出,心肌梗塞好比土石流,土石流通常是在颱風豪雨後較容易發生,對心血管而言,空氣汙染、壓力和緊張等都是颱風豪雨。由於PM2.5是空氣汙染的一種,它非常微小,會隨著呼吸進入肺泡再深入血液,當人暴露在PM2.5之下容易升高血壓,提高發炎反應,導致血管抽筋、破裂,產生血栓,進而容易發生心臟病。 Is it good for outdoor sports after work? Cardiology doctor:definitely not! ----- For more detail, please check:
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Dipublikasi: 4 Okt 2018

