Design Thinking for HR

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Avatar of Asha Menon.

Design Thinking for HR

CEO /Founder @ AMTalent Partners
With the changing workforce milieu in organizations, it’s become extremely critical for organizations to understand the 'unstated expectations' and needs of the multigenerational workforce. This often leads to HR's "wicked problems". If done well, Design Thinking promotes a virtuous cycle, generating higher levels of employee experience, deeper engagement, and higher productivity for the company. "Design, Inspire & Innovate" - Design Thinking For HR Practitioners is a 2-day intuitive and interactive workshop specially curated to set HR on a journey towards embracing an innovative mindset, leveraging on radical collaboration & ultimately influencing employee experience that will foster meaningful & authentic relationships. Why not make innovation a way of life in your organization! Show, Don't Tell!
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Dipublikasi: 14 Mei 2019
