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Kaplanandsadockssynopsisofpsychiatry10thedition12 [Updated] 2022

it remains so today . Nearly 100 years ago, and despite improvements in the field since then, the principles of therapeutic evaluation and diagnosis in psychiatric practice have remained largely the same. The chapters in this new edition of Synopsis continue to be a reliable guide to psychiatric diagnosis . Nearly half a century ago, Edward Shorter offered the classic clinical description of anxiety disorders, in which he argued that agoraphobia, agoraphobia with panic, and simple phobias had a distinct syndrome of excessive and unrealistic fear . A quarter of a century later, Leon Eisenberg noted that patients with these disorders tended to display what he called "avoidance behavior" . He concluded that they are likely to experience this avoidance for fear of a situation that is actually safe and less feared than other situations that are feared. Today's chapters of Synopsis make these and other fine points regarding the phenomenology of anxiety, as well as the most appropriate treatment modalities for these disorders, clear and accessible to clinicians . I agree with the authors' point that "the third edition of Synopsis provides up-to-date information regarding the conceptualization of anxiety disorders as well as the principles of diagnosis and treatment" . The new edition adds important new content to cover important advances in the field in the last several decades. While the chapters are more accessible than the prior editions, which is welcome, they are not reader-friendly enough to replace the prior editions in the pocket book for general readers or practicing clinicians. Anxiety disorders as a whole {#Sec1} ============================ In this edition, we receive a new section on anxiety disorders as a whole . Within this section, we learn of a spectrum of possible etiologies for anxiety disorders that includes childhood separation anxiety, a previously unconsidered etiology. We learn that children who experience this "extreme form" of separation anxiety may exhibit behavioral inhibition . The authors provide a clear description of each of these disorders, along with the essential diagnostic criteria and clinical features. These disorders appear to be part of a spectrum of anxiety disorders that include panic, specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Each disorder is discussed in a separate chapter. Early separation anxiety {#Sec2} ======================== We learn that "there are high rates of childhood separation anxiety, which might represent a spectrum of anxiety disorders" and that anxiety and fear of separation from home and from others "might be a normal part of early childhood" 


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it remains so today . Nearly 100 years ago, and despite improvements in the field since then, the principles of therapeutic evaluation and diagnosis in psychiatric practice have remained largely the same. The chapters in this new edition of Synopsis
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Dipublikasi: 13 Mei 2022
