Saad Sheikh Nfts in United kingdom

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Saad Sheikh Nfts in United kingdom

Saad Sheikh Nfts Expert
London, UK

Saad Sheikh Nfts in United kingdom

Saad Sheikh in United Kingdom - A piece of art that does not exist in the physical world has been sold at Christie's auction for US$69 million: the buyer will not receive a sculpture, not a painting, not even a copy.

You will receive a digital token (or digital voucher) known as an NFT.

If bitcoin was hailed as the digital answer to currency, NFTs are now considered the digital answer to collectibles.

But there are many skeptics who consider it to be a new bubble about to burst.

Saad Sheikh What is an NFT?

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token.

It could be a house, or a work of art like the Mona Lisa, which is unique. One could take a photograph of the painting or buy a copy but only one original painting will exist.

"If you take a picture of the original painting, with the best possible camera, and then use the best painter to reproduce it exactly, it is very likely that it will be perfect, but it will never be that of Leonardo da Vinci"

Saad Sheikh in United Kingdom - A piece of art that does not exist in the physical world has been sold at Christie's auction for US$69 million: the buyer will not receive a sculpture, not a painting, not even a copy. 
 You will receive a digital token (or digital voucher) known as an NFT. If bitcoin was hailed as the digital answer to currency, NFTs are now considered the digital answer to collectibles. 
 But there are many skeptics who consider it to be a new bubble about to burst. 

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Dipublikasi: 26 Feb 2022



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saad sheikh
