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Apr 24th 2023

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

testing, a strategy she had experience with from her previous technology work. She worked for Mr. Jokowi in the presidential election campaign and eventually started her entrepreneurial journey by founding her own consulting company called Catalyst. At the end of 2020, Farina decided to leave Catalyst and start her new AI startup, Pensieve Technology . In the following sections of this article, we will delve deeper into Farina's story and explore the lessons that we can all learn from her
Resume & CV
Jun 28th 2021

Virtual Assistant Resume: Examples & Writing Guide

ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. Take the initiative to handle the day-to-day work without the need for supervision. Current IVAA and GAVA member. Uploaded and edited content for 5 websites with more than 80k monthly visitors each in 2020. Step 3: Include skills for virtual assistant resume. The skills section in a resume plays a very important role in leaving a great first impression and landing a job interview. Remember to include appropriate skills for your virtual assistant

機器人、自動化、RPA 工作怎麼找?產業趨勢、熱門公司和職缺一次看

地區都在積極投資和採用工業機器人技術,以提高生產效率。國際機器人聯合會( IFR)的數據指出,自 2020 年到 2021 年,全球工業機器人安裝量達 51.7 萬台,較去年同期成長 31%。IFR 更預估,到了 2025 年底,全球工
Resume & CV
Oct 6th 2021

Contoh CV Bidan yang Menarik Beserta Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bidan

dinas kesehatan, pastinya mengharapkan pengalaman yang memadai dalam Daftar riwayat hidup bidan yang mereka terima. Oleh karena itu, penting sekali untuk mengemas daftar riwayat hidup bidan dengan pengalaman yang telah dilalui dengan jujur dan jelas. Contoh: Bidan | Klinik Jakarta 2018-2020 Membantu wanita dalam proses persalinan dan memantau kondisi janin selama proses. Melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan terhadap ibu hamil dan melakukan pemeriksaan selama proses kehamilan. Memberikan asuhan setelah bersalin ( post natal care ). 3. Masukkan Riwayat Pendidikan yang telah Ditempuh Masukkan data
Success Stories
Nov 1st 2021

Google 台灣的硬體人才如何擁抱世界舞台?硬體副總裁 Elmer & 人才招募經理 Jeffrey 親自剖析!

Google 最印象深刻的收穫是什麼? 15:50 Jeffrey 在 Google 最深刻的體驗是什麼? 17:10 Jeffrey 為什麼會從 FMCG、旅遊業到 Google? 20:20 作為一位 HR,Jeffrey 在 Google 學到最深刻的是什麼? 22:30 Google 重視硬體人才的哪些面向跟特質? 25:10 軟體
Resume & CV
Sep 17th 2021

Operating Room Nurse Resume Examples (Resume Writing Steps & Tips)

full responsibility for the overall NBC deployment readiness for Intepact Hospital. Highly specialized in performing specialized duties in all phases of the operative process with exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills. Awarded as the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Officer in 2020. Meticulous Operating Room Nurse possessing 7 years of experience in assessing, planning, implementing, evaluating, and coordinating the total care of patients. Key skills include broad knowledge of aseptic and sterile techniques, a solid understanding of patient safety and precautions
Career Planning
May 11th 2023

【全球遠距趨勢分享】遠端工作 4 大心法,帶你認識跨國遠距工作模式

混合遠距模式, 也就是說公司雖然有實體辦公室,但允許員工偶爾可以在家工作。 遠距工作模式從 2020 年疫情期間起在西方社會成為顯學,並造成一個很有趣的社會學現象,就是所謂的職場地緣去
Success Stories
Jun 30th 2021

政治與科技的碰撞火花!Jeremy 的鴻海經驗談與國際關係職涯思維

工作內容 03:00 擔任幕僚團隊成員需要哪些技能? 03:45 鴻海帶給 Jeremy 最大的收穫是什麼? 06:20 Jeremy 分享 2020 年至今台灣科技業的趨勢與機會為何? 09:45 數位轉型的不同層面思考 11:25 Jeremy 認為企業跟政府
Resume & CV
Oct 27th 2021

Contoh CV Apoteker Lengkap dengan Tips & Cara Membuatnya

pengalaman kerja kamu dengan menunjukkan pencapaian ataupun pembelajaran yang kamu dapatkan di pekerjaan kamu sebelumnya. Berikut contoh pengalaman kerja pada CV apoteker yang dapat kamu jadikan referensi untuk CV lamaran kerja ke Apotek: Asisten Apoteker Rumah Sakit ABC Jakarta (2017-2020) Membantu menyiapkan serta meracik obat sesuai dengan resep dokter dan dosis yang tepat Berhasil meningkatkan penjualan sebanyak 10% dengan berperan aktif serta membangun relasi yang baik dengan pasien Memberikan pengertian kepada pasien mengenai cara penggunaan dosis obat serta efek
Resume & CV
Oct 13th 2021

How to Write Achievements in Your Resume [+Tips & Examples]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: Where & How to Write Achievements in a Resume/CV 10 Personal Achievements Examples 15+ Academic & Sport Achievements Examples 30+ Professional Achievements Examples 5 Tips for How to Write Achievements in Resume Resume achievements are work successes that are both measurable and unique to an applicant’s experience. Achievements in resumes are often undermined as many applicants struggle to think of key achievements to list on their resumes. Adding achievements or awards on resumes can

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