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Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Gap Year 是什麼?我適合 Gap Year 嗎?空檔年優缺點一次看!

要為自己負責,因此事前評估自己是否適合 Gap Year、如何計畫和執行 Gap Year、該以什麼心態面對和準備 Gap Year 等等,都是進入 Gap Year 前需要仔細思考的事情。 接下來本文將帶你深入認識 Gap Year,協助你判斷是
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Gap year là gì? Nên làm gì khi Gap year ở Việt Nam?

sóc bản thân và gia đình,... Gap year có nhiều tên gọi, trong số đó có thể kể đến như: pathway, prep-year, leap year, defer year, bridge-year, drop year, year out, year off, overseas experience (OE) hay foundation year. Các bạn trẻ thường chọn Gap year làm gì? Theo thống kê của Hiệp hội Gap Year (The Gap Year Association) , một tổ chức hỗ trợ sinh viên tiếp cận các cơ hội Gap year uy tín trên thế
Student Guide
May 14th 2023

Perlukan Aku Ambil Gap Year? Hal yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan, Kegiatan, Dll.

CakeResume telah menyiapkan berbagai informasi dan pembahasan yang lebih rinci mengenai Gap Year . Yuk, langsung saja simak paragraf berikut ini. Daftar isi: Pengertian Gap Year Kenapa Memilih Gap Year? Sisi Positif dan Negatif Gap Year Kegiatan yang Dapat Dilakukan Selama Gap Year Hal yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan Sebelum Mengambil Gap Year Gap Year Apa itu Gap Year ? Gap year adalah jeda waktu tertentu yang diambil untuk beristirahat dari pendidikan formal. Pada umumnya, orang yang lulus SMA dapat mengambil Gap Year selama
Resume & CV
Feb 22nd 2022

College Graduate Resume Made Easy with Examples and Tips

chronological order, starting from the latest jobs on the top to the older ones at the bottom. Pros: Easy to understand. Very visible and searchable in ATS (Applicant Tracking System). Suitable for any career. Cons: It doesn’t hide possible gap years between different positions. It is not a suitable resume format for recent college graduates with no experience. 2. Functional resume format The functional resume format stresses your skills instead of your experience. Pros: It hides possible gap years
Interview Skills
Feb 7th 2023

23 Pertanyaan Interview Kerja yang Sering Ditanya HRD dan Cara Menjawabnya!

Ceritakan Pengalaman Anda Saat Tidak Setuju dengan Suatu Keputusan di Tempat Kerja Bisakah Anda Jelaskan Mengapa Anda Mengubah Jalur Karir? Seperti Apa Gaya Kerja Anda? Mengapa Anda Berhenti dari Pekerjaan Sebelumnya? Apa yang Memotivasi Kamu? Apa yang Anda Lakukan Selama Gap Year/Career Break? Mengapa Anda Resign Dari Pekerjaan Sebelumnya? Apa Rencana Kamu Dalam Lima Tahun Ke Depan? Apakah Anda Sedang Melamar di Perusahaan Lain? Berapa Gaji yang Anda Harapkan? Apakah Anda Bersedia untuk Ditempatkan di Luar Kota? Kapan Anda
Resume & CV
Sep 28th 2021

Professor Resume Example & Writing Guide (10 Steps)

any career ❌ Cons It shows possible gaps between different jobs Functional resume format This professor resume format stresses your skills rather than your experience. ✅ Pros Suitable for college professor resume with little to no experience It hides possible gap years It showcases your specialization ❌ Cons It overshadows your experience Not easily detected in ATS Combinational resume format The combination resume, as the name suggests, presents a combination of your skills and your previous positions. ✅ Pros It
Resume & CV
Feb 8th 2022

Tableau Developer Resume: Templates & Examples

experiences and accomplishments in reverse chronological order, from the latest to the oldest. ✅ Pros: The most preferred resume format by hiring managers. Emphasize working history ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)-friendly format. ❌ Cons: It is obvious if you have gap years or unusual career progression. Functional resume format With this format, the experiences are being categorized into different skills, which could help you highlight the skills that match the current job description. ✅ Pros: Less obvious gap years and
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2022

A Guide to Different Types of Resume Formats [+ Examples]

This type of resume is best used to show your transferable skills to the recruiter. It is also very suitable for those who lack relevant working experiences but possess certain qualifications that are needed in the job description. Pros: Hides gap years and unstable career history Emphasize career expertise and skills Best type of resume for a career change Cons: Not an ATS-friendly type of resume Might possibly alert the recruiters of your previous working experience A considerable amount
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

A Short Guide to Gender Equality in the Workplace

Created by CakeResume Claudia Goldin recently became the first solo woman to win a Nobel prize in economics, and her award-winning research focused – fittingly – on women's employment and pay. Her work highlighted the fact that even now there still exists a substantial pay gap and a problem with gender equality in the workplace. The issue of gender inequality in the workplace is still topical in 2023. Low wage roles are still on average occupied by more women , while
Career Development
Mar 28th 2024

How to Explain an Employment Gap: Advice for Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview

How to Explain an Employment Gap: Advice for Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Many workers experience periods of unemployment for many reasons, such as education, planned leave, and career transitions . Although common, this can be daunting for job seekers concerned about the impression of an employment gap on their resume. If you’re concerned about the breaks in your employment history, take a breath! Employment gaps are normal and, if used wisely, can even be a benefit. In this article

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