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Mar 6th 2024

Stoicism: Kenali dan Pahami Konsep Hidupnya!

bersama yuk! Daftar isi: Pengertian dari Gaji Pokok Prinsip-Prinsip Stoicism Konsep Hidup Stoicism Metode Menjalankan Stoicism Pengertian Stoicism Sebelum masuk kepada apa itu stoic, pastikan penyebutan kamu tentang ilmu ini sudah benar ya! Pembacaan yang tepat dalam Indonesia adalah stoik atau stoikisme, bukan stoicism maupun stoikism. Stoicism adalah sebuah ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana manusia bisa mengelola emosi dan pikirannya berdasarkan apa yang bisa dikontrol oleh dirinya. Sehingga, filsafat dan ilmu stoik berusaha untuk mengajarkan bagaimana kita bisa mengurangi emosi
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 22nd 2022

Apa itu Copywriter? Kenali Tugas, Skill Sampai Gajinya!

reputasinya. Itulah sebabnya hampir semua perusahaan membutuhkan seorang copywriter untuk membantu strategi pemasaran atau pemasaran digital mereka. Jika kamu gemar atau hobi menulis, menjadi copywriter adalah salah satu pekerjaan yang bisa kamu ambil. Di artikel ini, CakeResume telah meringkas apa arti copywriter, apa saja tugas seorang copywriter, berapa gaji seorang copywriter, jenis-jenis copywriter, dan cara menjadi copywriter! Copywriter Apa itu Copywriter? Copywriter adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab dalam mendesain kata-kata atau kalimat kreatif, menarik, dan persuasif agar calon
Resume & CV
Mar 22nd 2024

Striking the Right Balance: How Many Jobs Should You List on Your Resume?

How Many Jobs Should You List on Your Resume? When it comes to writing a resume , one of the most common questions is: how many jobs should I list? The art of resume writing lies not only in what to include but also in the strategic omission of the extraneous. The most important thing is to make your resume as relevant and clear as possible for the employers and the position you are aiming for. In this article, you will
Sep 1st 2021

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

the world, hence allowing your works to gain exposure more easily. ⚠️ Attention In the field of finance, the term portfolio (or also known as investment portfolio) is used to describe one’s collection of financial investment products such as stocks, bonds, commodities and other assets like real estate or art. The main purpose of an online portfolio is to showcase yourself - your skills, experiences, passion and potential - in a compelling , creative , interesting and convenient way. Having a professional portfolio
Resume & CV
Feb 7th 2022

Barista Resume Samples

Those working on a barista resume no experience, relatable competition, program, interest, and portfolio. The project may all work in this section, too (remember to provide solid proof for the project or portfolio, though). Barista Resume Skill Examples : Milk & Latte Art Knowledgeable in Espresso Bar Efficiency & Workflow Coffee Sensory Evaluation Certificated or completed program in in XXX Coffee Academy / Institution / Education / Association Coffee Brewing & Grinding Cupping Specialty Coffee Drinks Coffee Tamp and Extraction Stock / Inventory Management on Food & Beverages Customer
Jul 8th 2022

What Is a Portfolio & What Should a Great Portfolio Look Like?

present your works to potential clients or employers while demonstrating your qualifications for a project or a role. It’s particularly essential to have an online portfolio for your job hunting if you’re working in creative industries like writing, art, design, photography, etc. A personal portfolio, on the other hand, focuses more on personal branding - but is still beneficial for your career. Let’s dive into the importance of portfolios in job applications, check out amazing career portfolio examples
Cover Letter
Jun 13th 2022

How to Start a Cover Letter that Leaves a Strong Impression

that further elaborates your skills and qualifications. Hiring managers evaluate cover letters to narrow down the applicant pool and to estimate whether or not it is worth his/her time to read through the applicant’s resume. Thus, having a striking cover letter opening sentence is important to catch the eye of whoever reviews your application. A good intro for an application letter should intrigue the reader and make them more curious about you. If you are wondering, "How do
Resume & CV
Feb 25th 2021

How to write an internship resume? Pro Tips for Students

when it comes to landing your first job after you graduate, you’ll have a leg up with all the relevant experiences in the workforce. Part 2 How to find an internship feels like a “destiny calling”? Though internships might strike you with stereotypes such as low pays and repetitious errands, there are indeed some great internship jobs you can ponder upon. Here are a few things to think carefully before crafting your resume: What kind of work do I
Resume & CV
Mar 15th 2024

Guidelines for Setting the Right Resume Margins in 2024

Guidelines for Setting the Right Resume Margins In the competitive landscape of job hunting, a small detail is enough to make a difference, and an often overlooked detail that can make a significant difference is the "resume margins.”. These seemingly small spaces around your document play an important role in presenting a professional and visually appealing resume. Through this article, you will have more ideas for visualizing your resume by adjusting the proper margins on the resume with some small
Resume & CV
Mar 9th 2022

Catering Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to write a catering resume? What to include in a catering resume? Tips for writing the best catering resume How to write a cover letter for a catering position? Catering resume sample A catering professional plays a crucial role within the food industry, especially during grand events and social functions. As a caterer, you might find yourself organizing ingredients and preparing dishes for the guests, serving food, and assisting

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