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Resume & CV
Jun 2nd 2022

CV Design: 35+ Curriculum Vitae Designs You Should See

for the job. Professional CV design by cvmaker Professional CV Design #7 This professional CV design is a basic version that separates every piece of information into blocks. It is suitable for those who have a lot of information to fill in as it will still be very formal-looking regardless of the length. Professional CV design by Jobseeker Professional CV Design #8 When creating a professional CV design, you should optimize and organize everything in the correct order according
Resume & CV
Jan 20th 2022

4 Contoh CV Akuntansi Profesional dan Cara Membuatnya!

Gunakan format CV yang ATS-friendly Applicant tracking system (ATS) merupakan software yang digunakan HRD perusahaan untuk merekrut calon pekerjanya. ATS dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan HRD dalam mengefisienkan waktu saat merekrut calon pekerjanya. Berikut adalah ciri-ciri CV ATS-friendly: Menggunakan format ATS yang benar, seperti keseragaman jenis, ukuran dan warna font. Gunakan simbol angka atau poin pada CV ATS mu. Simpan CV ATS mu dalam bentuk file PDF. CakeResume menyediakan platform untuk membuat CV yang ATS Friendly , tersedia 50+ template...
Cover Letter
Jul 22nd 2021

Nursing Cover Letter Writing Guide with Examples & Tips

You'll learn how to: Nurse Cover Letter Example What should a cover letter include for nursing jobs? How to write a professional nursing cover letter Extra tips for 5 different nursing professionals How to write a nursing cover letter as new graduates A cover letter (or a “letter of motivation”, a “job application letter) is a formal document sent along with your job application during a job search. It provides additional information about your resume with the aim to
Resume & CV
Dec 27th 2021

The Power of Resume Colors: Here are Things You Need to Know

add to your resume. If you’ve got it wrong, you may lose the chance of getting to the next round. 10 creative career areas that can benefit from adding colors to CVs/resumes : Acting Advertising & Marketing Architecture Art Design Film & Video Photography Writing & Publishing Journalism Music 2. Formal Industries If you’re working in a formal, traditional, “old school” industry, a muted color palette will make your resume more professional and easier to read. You also don't have
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

How to Write a Job-Winning Marketing Intern Cover Letter [w/ Examples & Tips]

but it is also directed to show your employer your profound interest and commitment towards the job. For that reason, it is especially crucial for prospective marketers, especially first-starters, to understand how to make a marketing intern cover letter. Documents such as a Resume / CV , Portfolio, and quite importantly, a marketing intern cover letter, are files that help your employer decide whether or not to ask you to proceed to the next stage in the recruitment process. If a
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

8 Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out

your curriculum vitae should never walk and talk — documents and should be modified for different job openings. Some skills are more relevant to certain employment opportunities than others. If applying to a veterinarian's office, you may want to include formal experience you've had with animals or experiences demonstrating caring and compassion. Conversely, when seeking employment at a computer manufacturer, animal-related or compassion-requiring experiences will likely not help your resume stick out. Modify your CV to reflect
Cover Letter
Dec 7th 2022

Cara Mengirim Lamaran Kerja Lewat Email Yang Baik dan Benar

diperhatikan: Penamaan berkas harus jelas Contoh: CV Reza Adrian, Pas Foto Reza Adrian Lampirkan berkas dalam format PDF Format pdf adalah format yang paling umum digunakan untuk proses melamar kerja karena formatnya yang tidak berubah-ubah di segala perangkat Ukuran file jangan melebihi 1MB Jika file yang dilampirkan terlalu besar, rekruter akan malas membukanya karena memakan storage yang cukup besar. Lebih baik mengkompress ukuran file terlebih dahulu sebelum mengirim, bisa menggunakan smallpdf . 4. Gunakan alamat email profesional Jika kalian belum
Resume & CV
Sep 21st 2020

Resume Summary Writing Guide to Elevate Your Professional Profile [20+ Examples]

outline that describes you, your experience and your most valuable skills. This profile summary should be carefully crafted to highlight your best features as a potential candidate. It is usually going to be located at the very beginning of your document right after your name and your contact information. This ensures that your resume summary is one of the first things the recruiter reads. Now let’s take a look at why it’s important and the benefits it provides
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

Open Interview: Nailing It and Getting Hired on the Spot

Created by CakeResume Before starting to prepare for a job interview, you need to know what type of interview it is so that you can be well-prepared. There are many types of interviews that serve different scenarios, depending on what employers are looking to assess such as behavioral interview, case interview, competency-based interview, group interview, panel interview, etc. In this article, we'll take a closer look at walk-in interviews, which are open to the public as
Career Tools
Dec 26th 2022

13 Rekomendasi Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik, Wajib Dicoba!

Daftar Isi: Cara Memilih Aplikasi Produktivitas yang Terbaik Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Menyusun Tugas dan Workflow Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Meningkatkan Fokus Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Menghemat Waktu Bagi orang yang bekerja di kantor atau secara remote, produktivitas adalah hal yang penting untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas tepat waktu. Untuk kamu yang butuh bantuan agar tetap produktif, aplikasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas adalah solusinya! Tidak hanya untuk pekerja, tetapi sebagai murid pun aplikasi produktif belajar akan sangat membantu supaya tidak kewalahan ketika

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