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Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to Taiwan Welfare System for Foreigners

holds an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) in Taiwan after residing in the country for a full 6 months, or has stayed in Taiwan for 6 months without leaving the country for more than 30 days. Self-employed foreign residents or entrepreneurs and their dependents must enroll for the NHI Taiwan after 6 months. Students are required to enroll through their school. Newborn foreigners in Taiwan should be enrolled in the Taiwan NHI on the date of birth as a dependent
Mar 7th 2024

CakeResume's Psychological Career Quiz—What Cake R U Has Taken Over Instagram Over the Past Few Weeks

The Social Butterfly Strawberry Cakes enjoys helping others by providing information, training, and healthcare services. They are also skilled in communication. Workaholism index: 58% Career lucky charm: Diffuser Work besties: Layer Cake & Macaroon Just coworkers: Roll Cake & Cupcake Tiramisu: The Entrepreneur Tiramisu is the boss in the house and enjoys working with others. They can influence others with their leadership skills. They are also very persuasive and organized and know how to raise their voice. Workaholism index: 200% Career lucky
Student Guide
Sep 13th 2022

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, 10 Prospek Kerja Hingga Gajinya!

yang terus berkembang dan tidak akan pernah berhenti Memahami makanan yang aman dan sehat, cara pengolahan makanan yang baik dan benar Dapat mengembangkan metode baru dalam pengolahan makanan Mampu menggunakan bahan pangan baru demi berlangsungnya ketahanan pangan Dibekali dengan ilmu entrepreneurship Dapat berkontribusi menciptakan produk makanan yang sehat, bergizi, dan aman untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat Prospek Kerja Teknologi Pangan Sarjana teknologi pangan kerja apa? Dengan semakin berkembangnya industri makanan, dan kemajuan teknologi, sebagai sarjana teknologi pangan tidak perlu khawatir. Teknik pangan
Student Guide
Dec 5th 2022

Jurusan Bisnis Digital: 5 Prospek Kerja, Gaji, dan Kampus [+Info Kuliah]

dan teknologi yang dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk stakeholder, serta menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten di bidang bisnis digital. Lulusan bisnis digital akan memiliki karir sebagai Digital Business Analyst, Financial Technology Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, Human-centered Designer, dan Digital Entrepreneur. 3. Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Prodi bisnis digital yang didirikan oleh Universitas Prasetiya Mulya adalah Digital Business Technology ( Software Engineering ) yang fokus pada pengembangan solusi bisnis berbasis teknologi digital. Kurikulum dan mata kuliah jurusan bisnis digital ini dikembangkan bersama dengan

8 Prospek Kerja Lulusan Akuntansi yang Dibutuhkan dan Gajinya!

kerja akuntansi manajemen ini cukup menjanjikan, terutama bagi kamu yang telah menentukan jenjang karir yang jelas . Kamu bisa meniti karir mulai dari junior hingga senior seiring berjalannya waktu. Terlebih lagi, ilmu akuntansi yang dimiliki oleh lulusan S1 akuntansi selalu dibutuhkan sampai kapan pun oleh berbagai sektor dan perusahaan. 3. Mendukung Pengelolaan Bisnis Nah, bagimu yang ingin menggeluti dunia bisnis atau entrepreneur , kuliah jurusan akuntansi adalah investasi jangka panjang untukmu. Mengapa? Dalam membangun bisnis sendiri dibutuhkan kemampuan menyusun dan menganalisis laporan ...
Resume & CV
Jan 25th 2022

List of Important Skills for a CV [+ How to Write & Where to Put Them]

Attention to HR trends Interpersonal Communications Organizational skills Cashier Skills for CV Accuracy Reliability Integrity Able to work under pressure Interpersonal skills Knowledge of the products Basic math Computer skills Point of Sale (POS) systems Loss prevention techniques Student Skills for CV Creative thinking Collaboration across networks Diligence Adaptability Entrepreneurialism Interpersonal skills Curiosity Accessing and analyzing information Social media management MS Office skills Customer Service Skills for CV CRM software: Salesforce CRM, HubSpot Sales Hub, and Monday Customer success managem...
Career Planning
Dec 20th 2022

Last Assignment in December: Jotting Down Your 2023 Career Resolution

life balance is a prevalent goal, especially among the younger generation. To achieve this goal, define clearly what “balance” means for you. Balance is not a black-or-white dualism. Instead, view it as a wide spectrum. For a startup entrepreneur working for 100 hours a week, 75 hours-workweek is indeed a more balanced life. Have an average workweek goal in your mind and start to think of steps to decrease working hours. For example by trusting your subordinaries
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024


國外 研究所申請 自傳 自傳範例 】 📍 簡單的成長背景介紹:簡述家庭影響、人格特質 Enlightened by my father who is an entrepreneur advancing the operation process by applying advanced engineering, utilizing data and technology to enhance business transformation became my first career wish. Besides, Taking the mathematically gifted education program at middle school really developed my logical thinking abilities. As a

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