求職信(Cover Letter)

CakeResume: Đồng hành cùng bạn trên con đường phát triển sự nghiệp

dụng. Ghi rõ mức lương (theo giờ/tháng/năm). Tình trạng của vị trí tuyển dụng được cập nhật liên tục. Nhờ đó, các ứng viên - dù là đang tìm kiếm công việc thực tập, part-time, full-time hay freelance - đều có thể dễ dàng tiếp cận công việc mình mong muốn. Sau khi ứng tuyển, người dùng CakeResume còn có thể tham khảo series bài viết “ Kinh nghiệm phỏng vấn " để chuẩn bị cho mình những kiến thức

STAR Interview Method: Definition, Tips, and Examples

create a CV online and download your CV’s PDF format for free. Land your dream job and create your CV online (free download) now! Create CV You may have heard about the importance of quantifying achievements when writing a resume/CV. It works the same way for preparing for an interview using the STAR approach. From the perspective of employers, a statement with figures will be more convincing and better prove your competencies. STAR example answer with quantifiable results

50+ Hobbies and Interests in Resume for Freshers [2023 Latest Update]

to tailor your hobbies and interests to align with the job you're applying for. It can help you emphasize skills and attributes relevant to the position, making you a more appealing candidate. Pro Tip 💡 If you're a freelancer working in the creative industry, it's highly recommended to add hobbies and interests to your resume and portfolio. Where Should the Hobbies and Interests Section Locate? The "Hobbies and Interests" section of your resume should be placed at

How to List Self-Employment on Your Resume (+Samples)

just as you would in any professional setting. Let's see what should be included in a self-employed resume. Contact information Just like any other resume, you’ll place your contact information at the top of your self-employed resume, iIncluding your personal email, phone number, and current location. As a freelancer, you'll want to include links to your website, relevant social media, portfolio, and references. Having tangible references raises the credibility of your self-employed resume. Incorporate
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How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

In this article, you will learn about: What is an online portfolio? How to build a professional work portfolio What to include in an online portfolio (+tips for 15 different portfolio types) Summary/Key takeaways Just like how arguments are more persuasive with supporting evidence, resumes and job applications are also more appealing with portfolios. But some may ask, what is a portfolio ? By definition, a portfolio is a document of various materials compiled, that showcases both your personal and
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How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio [What to Include & Examples]

Design Portfolio Tips on Creating the Best Graphic Design Portfolio As the world begins to grow, a professional online presence is a crucial thing to have for prospective employees. Whether you are a full-time graphic designer or even a freelancer, a graphic design portfolio is valuable in the current job market, if not significantly more than a traditional CV or resume. In the digital age, having a graphic design online portfolio will establish your personal brand on the internet
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How to Make an Interior Design Portfolio [+ Examples, Tips & Guide]

planning skills. What Is an Interior Design Portfolio? Whether you are a professional or a student, your interior portfolio is crucial in taking you further in your career as an interior designer. An interior design portfolio is a collective visual resume about your previous and/or current interior design project that communicates your creative process, sense of fashion, and artistic conception. Although an interior design portfolio functions like a CV or resume, it contains different elements. The main features of

15 Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya!

menjadi plus poin Jika melihat contoh CV Bahasa Inggris, jarang sekali ditemukan hal personal seperti: agama, ras, status pernikahan karena hal ini dapat memicu diskriminasi dan stereotype pada kandidat pelamar kerja. 2. Deskripsi Diri dalam CV Bahasa Inggris (CV Summary/Resume Objective) Salah satu hal yang tidak kalah terpenting pada CV bahasa Inggris adalah CV summary atau dalam bahasa Indonesia deskripsi diri . Dengan adanya deskripsi diri yang baik dan benar, tentunya akan membuat CV Bahasa Inggris semakin menarik dan stand
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16+ Contoh Website dan Blog Untuk Referensi Bangun Personal Branding Kamu

Bukan hanya perusahaan saja yang saat ini memiliki web pribadi, namun karena perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, sekarang sudah banyak individu yang membuat dan merancang web personalnya sendiri untuk kebutuhan bisnis maupun personal branding. Mengapa ya orang repot-repot sampai membuat website berisi profil pribadinya? Ternyata memiliki web profil pribadi memiliki keuntungan dan manfaatnya tersendiri. Simak yuk pembahasan berikut ini! Daftar isi: Pengertian Website Pribadi Manfaat Web Pribadi Contoh Situs Web dan Blog Pribadi Pengertian Website Pribadi Sebelum bicara lebih jauh

Cách tạo CV trên điện thoại cực đơn giản mà vẫn siêu ấn tượng

Khi tạo CV trên điện thoại cần lưu ý những gì? Bài viết sẽ hướng dẫn bạn: 7 lưu ý khi tạo CV trên điện thoại Cách tạo CV xin việc trên điện thoại 3 website & ứng dụng tạo CV online trên điện thoại Cách làm CV trên điện thoại bằng CakeResume Tạo CV trên điện thoại là một trong các cách tạo CV online phổ biến nhất hiện nay. Với các thao tác vô cùng đơn giản, việc sử


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