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mar 4º 2022

How to Create an Appealing Fashion Design Portfolio

engines easily. Using an online portfolio allows you to showcase your style and personality, which helps you stand out from the crowd. Website Creating your website for your fashion portfolio is a great way to advertise your brand. From a marketing perspective, it is smarter to create your website. It is easier to create your own brand, you could even set up the website to sell your self-made fashion products. It shows professionalism and high technical skills. Printed Portfolio
Career Development
may 12º 2023

Cách viết email xin việc bằng tiếng Anh (kèm tip & mẫu thư ứng tuyển tiếng Anh)

Tran. I’m writing to submit my application for the current job opening as Financial Analyst at your company. Kindly refer to the attached documents. My name is Ngoc Nguyen. I have attached my CV and work samples for the Marketing Specialist position at VNG Group. 4. Lý do ứng tuyển & Phẩm chất Đây là nội dung chính bạn không thể làm qua loa khi viết email gửi CV bằng tiếng Anh. Hãy nêu rõ lý do bạn ứng tuyển
Career Planning
jul 16º 2022

Letter of Interest vs. Cover Letter: Differences and How to Write

a cover letter aims to explain why you’re applying for this role and point out what values you can bring to the organization. Example of an opening paragraph in a cover letter: “My name is Lina Chen, a content marketing specialist with 3 years of experience. I came across the job listing for the content writer position at REGNA on LinkedIn. I’m confident that my proven expertise and skills make me the right fit for this role.” 3
Job Search Tips
feb 20º 2023

想加入 FMCG 巨頭 L'Oréal 嗎?2024 年儲備幹部徵才中!

心得與工作內容了,直接參考過往學長姐的獨家分享,能夠更快速了解貼近儲備幹部的工作日常。 Interview Tips 除了儲備幹部的心得分享外,展區中還有規劃「Interview Tips」的空間,邀請資深 HR 不藏私的揭密面試技
Recruitment & HR
mar 6º 2024

Quy trình tuyển dụng nhân sự chuẩn, tối ưu cho doanh nghiệp

vấn sau vòng nộp đơn. Nhưng đa phần các tập đoàn lớn như Unilever, Nestlé, Masan,... sẽ kiểm tra thêm ở ứng viên thông qua: Aptitude Test (kiểm tra năng lực) giúp đánh giá tư duy và tính cách. Initial Interview (phỏng vấn sơ bộ) thường qua điện thoại hoặc họp video trực tuyến, và chỉ cần ngắn gọn để sàng lọc nhanh. Assessment Center (trung tâm đánh giá) kết hợp giữa Group discussion (Thảo luận nhóm) và Final Interview
Resume & CV
ago 19º 2020

Product Managers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

and how you reach them. It also shows that you’re not boasting. Even if you cannot include them in your resume due to space limitations, make sure you’re ready to talk about them in your cover letter and interview. Finally, avoid too much technical jargon. While your final interviewer will likely understand PM jargons, you first want HRs to understand your strengths. Work experience section. Generated via CakeResume. 4. Education Beside basic information such as university name, location
Student Guide
ene 3º 2022

Surat Keterangan Magang: Contoh, Jenis dan Kegunaanya

bersangkutan telah melakukan magang kerja di PT. Nama Perusahaan. Yang bersangkutan melaksanakan magang kerja selama X bulan, dari tanggal *tanggal mulai magang* sampai *tanggal selesai magang*. Selama magang di PT. Nama Perusahaan, yang bersangkutan telah belajar tentang kegiatan operasional dan marketing di perusahaan kami. Dan pada saat surat ini dikeluarkan, yang bersangkutan sudah melakukan tanggung jawab serta tugas secara baik. Demikian surat keterangan magang ini kami buat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Jakarta, 2 Agustus 2021 (Nama Penulis Surat) 📚 Baca
People & Culture
ago 30º 2022

CakeResume Podcast 行銷實習生都在做什麼?應徵流程、面試、與實習心得!

都很有耐心的聆聽並回應,是很輕鬆愉快的面試! 實習第二關:作業 面試結束當天,Jo 便寄送一份 Pre-Interview Task,要在七天內完成。因為我同時應徵社群行銷和內容行銷,所以總共要做四題,兩題是對應到社
Interview Skills
abr 28º 2023

Bỏ túi cách giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh khi phỏng vấn

chúng tôi nên chọn bạn?) Kịch bản trả lời phỏng vấn: Based on 3 years of experience and an in-depth understanding of customer needs in the beauty industry, I believe I would be able to propose effective long-term marketing plans to increase customer awareness of the company's brand and products. Bí quyết chinh phục câu hỏi "Tại sao chúng tôi nên tuyển bạn?" Cách giới thiệu bản thân khi phỏng vấn bằng tiếng anh ✅ Lời chào
Success Stories
mar 25º 2021

如何為資料庫服務做產品設計?MongoDB Product Designer Tan 的紐約科技職涯與 UX 求職技巧

每個人對於職涯的期許不同,有些人追求收入,有些人在意社經地位,有些人鎖定海外職涯,也有些人自許能成為一方的龍頭。在《科技職涯》第二季的第 33 集中,我們邀請了目前在 MongoDB 紐約總部擔任 Senior

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