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Apr 21st 2023

Freelancer là gì? 10 công việc freelancer có thu nhập ổn định hiện nay

hiệu ứng cho các sự kiện. Thiết kế quần áo, phụ kiện cho ngành công nghiệp thời trang. Đọc thêm: 5 mẹo thiết kế portfolio cho designer chuyên nghiệp 4. Nhiếp ảnh Một nhiếp ảnh gia tự do - hay freelance photographer nhận đảm nhiệm những photoshoot và các khâu hậu kỳ xung quanh những buổi chụp hình này. Đối tượng chụp của một freelance photographer rất đa dạng, tùy theo phong cách và sở trường riêng, họ có thể nhận
Resume & CV
Feb 9th 2022

Fashion Stylist Resume Samples and Writing Guide

responsibilities of being a fashion stylist? Keeps up with the ongoing and changing fashion trends and design Advises and styles clients with creative visuals Selects appropriate apparels from collections Purchases clothing, fabrics, accessories, or makeup for the wardrobe Collaborates with photographers, makeup artists, and hairstylists to create a comprehensive look for clients Creates unique, imaginative, and out-of-the-box designs for clients Plans and organizes clients shoots and shooting locations Keeps in touch with magazine publishers, retailers, and distributors
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 30th 2022

How to Become a Journalist: Step-by-step Guide & Career Advice

news stories Conducting interviews to collect more information Editing and revising articles on request Attending and reporting events to the public Verifying statements and facts Staying up-to-date with privacy, contempt, and defamation law Coordinating with editors, designers, and photographers to complete the work How to become a journalist It's no doubt that becoming a journalist is not easy, whether you are seeking a full-time job at a publication or want to pursue a freelance journalism career
Jan 25th 2022

Best Video Editor Portfolio with Examples [Porfolio Making Guideline]

your possible customers. However, visibility comes before the communicating part. Therefore, having a video portfolio webpage helps in increasing your chance of being viewed. Other than that, your video editor portfolio will be your proof of accomplishments. Just like what photographers and videographers do, a video editor’s work can only be shown through social media platforms. However, a social media account is not a good proof of work because it is rather informal. Since these exposures can only be
Resume & CV
May 22nd 2022

What to Include in a CV – Everything You Should Put in Your CV

not forget to also list the authority who gave you the award, as well as the date. 📚 Further reading: How to Write Achievements in a CV? [+ Examples] 7. Hobbies and interests By including your hobbies and interests in your CV, you can show others your passion for a particular thing. For example, if you are applying to work for a marketing job, you can put social media, graphic design, writing and photography as your hobbies as these are useful
Mar 23rd 2023

Contoh Portofolio Fotografi Menarik Beserta 7 Tips Wajib Tahu!

Daftar isi: Kenapa Membuat Portofolio Fotografi Online Cara Membuat Portofolio Fotografer (Photography Portfolio) Contoh-contoh Portofolio Fotografer Ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai fotografer lebih mudah? Ingin mengembangkan bisnis fotografi kamu? Atau kamu ingin membangun personal branding dirimu sebagai seorang fotografer? Nah, membuat portofolio adalah jawabannya! Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menarik klien atau rekruter adalah dengan membuat portofolio fotografi. Kamu harus bisa membuat portofolio yang bisa menarik perhatian mereka. Ada beberapa cara membuat portofolio fotografi, salah satunya adalah portofolio fotografi online
Resume & CV
Jul 1st 2022

How to Create a Perfect Biodata for Marriage

marriage, here is a format that you could follow. To create an informative and well-written biodata that can help you make a good impression on potential partners and their families, you should include these elements in your marriage biodata: Photograph Personal details Profile (about me) Family background Hobbies and interests Horoscope Partner expectations ✅ Photograph The first thing that you should include in your biodata is a recent photograph of you. Photographs are important because they help potential partners
Resume & CV
Feb 8th 2022

Makeup Artist Resume (+ Examples)

in color theory, bridal makeup, and application techniques. At Sephora, sold $6500+ per week in products. Freelance makeup artist resume summary : Licensed cosmetologist with 8+ years of experience in the high-fashion industry. Worked with celebrities and models for print, photography, runway modeling, and galas: Taylor SXXX, Justin BIEEEEE, and more. 3. Highlight your makeup artist skills on the resume Mastery of the Makeup Artist Resume Skill s: Makeup art actually belongs to the creative field, which values portfolios and
Resume & CV
Mar 8th 2021

Data Scientist Resume: Examples & Writing Guide

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a resume for a data scientist resume? What should a data scientist resume look like? Tips for writing the best data science resume How to write a data scientist cover letter? Data Scientist Resume Sample The term "data science" is getting popular recently with the implementation of technology in every corner of our lives. it's a fusion of algorithms, tools, and machine learning principles to extract information from hidden patterns
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

What Is a Biodata, and Why Do You Need One?

When applying for a job, the standard requested documents typically include a cover letter , a resume or CV , and a couple of recommendations. However, when applying for a job in certain South and Southeast Asian countries, one more document may be required: the biodata. Biodata, or biographical data, is a document that contains personal information about you and your family. This information is typically not suitable to be included in your resume or cover letter, so companies request that it

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