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22 Mei 2022

What to Include in a CV – Everything You Should Put in Your CV

Write Achievements in a CV? [+ Examples] 7. Hobbies and interests By including your hobbies and interests in your CV, you can show others your passion for a particular thing. For example, if you are applying to work for a marketing job, you can put social media, graphic design, writing and photography as your hobbies as these are useful interests that can give you the upper leg in the position 8. References References can be very important when employers take a

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

these Online Portfolio Examples ! Who needs an online portfolio? E veryone , no matter in which career field or for what purpose, can benefit from having a personal online portfolio. If you work in the creative industry , such as arts, interior design, architecture, graphic design, photography or videography and writing, having a career portfolio is essential. Writers, teachers, models and other professions that rely on visuals also require a portfolio for job search and also personal branding purposes. Employers and potential

The Ultimate Guide to A Great UI Designer Portfolio

of the term, a professional UI portfolio should be able to give the full picture of you as a UI designer/artist. It means that you need to showcase your works so the viewers can know your values and visual design skills. Similar to a resume, a top-notch UI design portfolio will help you get a leg up on the competitive job market. You might wonder, where should you publish your UI artist portfolio? There’s no right or

20 Great UI Designer Portfolios Examples [+ Pro Tips]

expertise, style, and personality. It’s your opportunity to sell your services through your previous works. Additionally, as a UI designer, having a UI portfolio can be the deal-breaker in whether or not you will land a gig or job. With that said, let’s take a look at some UI designer portfolio examples that will inspire you. We’ll divide them into two categories, UI designer personal websites and UI design portfolios made on portfolio platforms. 20 Best
19 Feb 2021

Chemical Engineering Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

various industries: food, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and petroleum, and the list goes on. They are responsible for analyzing lab processes and large-scale production plants to ensure maximum productivity while minimizing operating costs. It is safe to say that the job opportunities for chemical engineers, even at entry level or fresher, is limitless. However, the number of students pursuing a chemical engineering degree is escalating, fast, indicating that landing a job in the chemical engineering field would be more cut
14 Apr 2021

8 Outstanding CV Formats | Experienced Professionals & Freshers

CV? A curriculum vitae, commonly known as a CV, is Latin for “course of life” - and it is exactly that. A CV summarizes your education, your experiences, and your skills over the course of your life. The purpose of both job CVs and academic CVs is to sell yourself to the readers. A well-formatted job CV helps your job search and informs a potential employer why you are the best candidate for the position. On the other hand, a
Cover Letter
16 Jan 2023

Entry-Level Cover Letter: Strong Examples & Tips for Freshers

words, and also serve as a chance to include details that don’t fit in your resume. Especially in a cover letter for entry-level jobs, recruiters would expect to see further explanations on why you are fit for the job and decide whether or not to invite you for an interview, especially, again, if you are jumping between industries. In this article, we will discuss how to write a good cover letter for entry-level jobs, along with examples
Manajemen SDM
22 Agt 2022

A Guide to Nailing Civil Engineer Interview Questions

civil engineer interview questions tough to crack. On the other hand, because it’s a coveted role, there is a lot of competition for it, and civil engineering interviews can be intense. If you are applying for a civil engineering job, you likely already have some experience under your belt and a strong resume. But the civil engineering interview is still significant, as it gives the employer a chance to assess your skills. Civil engineering is a difficult job, so
Career Planning
6 Mar 2024

Make Money With These 10 Side Hustle Ideas

Created by CakeResume If you’ve ever considered starting a side hustle for some extra cash, you’re not alone. Nearly 40% of Americans report they have a regular side hustle in addition to their full-time job . It’s a great way to pursue your interests and expand your skills, while putting some extra money in your pocket. If you’re uncertain about starting a side hustle, this article will cover some great tips as well as side hustle
Cover Letter
13 Apr 2022

【Cover Letter 範例】英文求職信怎麼寫?外商、海外工作必備 5 步驟完整解析


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