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Resume & CV
Mar 3rd 2022

How to Write a Top Plumber Resume (& Examples)

plan out the plumbing layout, you will want to plan out a strong plumber resume for the employer to review. A plumber resume will provide information on your plumbing-related expertise, experiences, and accomplishments. How to write a great plumber resume? ✏️ 1. Adopt an ATS-friendly resume format for a plumber job. Play safe by using a simple resume format for a plumber role. Employers prefer a basic, clear format over a decorative one because of the applicant tracking
Resume & CV
Feb 22nd 2022

How to Create the Perfect Machinist Resume (with Sample)

This is the most commonly used format, also known as the reverse chronological format. The history of employment and relevant accomplishments are listed from the most recent to the oldest. Pros: Favored by most hiring managers. Readable by ATS (Applicant Tracking System). Cons: Gaps in your career are evident. If you do not have steady progress in your career, your resume might seem suspicious to the recruiter. This resume format is popular among general job applicants, which means that it
Resume & CV
Mar 23rd 2022

Should You Put an Address on Your Resume? Here Are Reasons to Consider

and businesses manage their hiring process online and the applicant tracking system (ATS) is widely used. Job applicants are left to wonder where the address should be mentioned on a resume or how they should present their addresses on the resume. This guide will show you if you should put your address on your resume, how to write your address in the CV and the dos and don’ts when including your location in your resume. Table of Contents: Should
Resume & CV
Nov 29th 2021

How to List Microsoft Office Skills on a Resume [+50 Examples]

Word is the most familiar MS Office tool for you. Include Microsoft Word skills on your CV no matter which job and position you’re applying for. Here is a list of Microsoft Word skills you could highlight on your resume: Page setup & navigation Dynamic page layouts Creating forms using fields and advanced tools Sharing and protecting documents Tracking changes Text & table formatting Inserting images and bookmarks Creating graphs and charts 📝 Microsoft Excel skills Even if you aren’t
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

How Many Bullet Points Should I Put Per Job on a Resume?

demonstrates your commitment to the specific role, showcasing your suitability for the position. You’ll want to analyze the job post you’re applying to. This will give you a good idea of how many jobs to list on your resume as you cut out irrelevant experience. Utilize the keywords from the job-ad can improve your performance with the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Hiring managers will also be happy to see exactly what they are looking for. Once you
Resume & CV
Jan 20th 2022

4 Contoh CV Akuntansi Profesional dan Cara Membuatnya!

Di paragraf sebelumnya, CakeResume telah membahas mengenai hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat membuat CV lulusan akuntansi. Selanjutnya, yuk lihat beberapa tips dan trik untuk membuat CV akuntansi supaya terlihat lebih menarik. 1. Gunakan format CV yang ATS-friendly Applicant tracking system (ATS) merupakan software yang digunakan HRD perusahaan untuk merekrut calon pekerjanya. ATS dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan HRD dalam mengefisienkan waktu saat merekrut calon pekerjanya. Berikut adalah ciri-ciri CV ATS-friendly: Menggunakan format ATS yang benar, seperti keseragaman jenis
Resume & CV
May 14th 2023

The Guide to Combination Resumes (with Examples and Templates)

easier if the company uses ATS (Applicant Tracking System). Cons: It includes irrelevant work experience. It can also show your inconsistency if you have done many jobs in varying fields. The gaps between jobs are obvious in a reverse-chronological resume. If you’re a fresh graduate, read this blog to learn how to choose an effective resume format for freshers . How to Write a Combination Resume When writing your resume, it's important to customize it to fit the
Resume & CV
May 23rd 2023

4 Contoh CV Manager Level yang Profesional dan Menarik!

perhatian rekruter, namun juga cara kamu menulisnya ke dalam CV yang akan menggambarkan skill yang kamu miliki. CV yang berkualitas akan mencerminkan profesionalisme agar peluang CVmu untuk diterima rekruter lebih besar. Daftar isi: Cara Membuat CV Level Manager Contoh CV / Resume Manager Artikel ini akan membahas cara menulis curriculum vitae manager yang menarik beserta contoh CV untuk posisi manager atau supervisor yang dapat mempermudah pembuatan CVmu! Contoh CV Manager - Dibuat di CakeResume Cara Membuat CV Level Manager 📝 Bagian dalam
Resume & CV
Jun 13th 2022

英文 CV 怎麼寫?英文 CV 範本 & 8 大內容教學全攻略!

英文 CV 怎麼寫? 如果你想要加入外商或重視國際拓展的企業,想必會發現英文不僅是加分條件,更是基本條件。此時,除了準備好在台灣常見的中文履歷,一份妥善的英文 CV 也是必要的。該怎麼寫出
Resume & CV
May 12th 2023

3 Tipe Format CV Lamaran Kerja, Mana yang Paling Bagus? [Template Gratis]

Memang tidak ada aturan yang pasti saat membuat daftar riwayat hidup, namun ternyata ada 3 format daftar riwayat hidup yang paling umum digunakan oleh para pencari kerja, yaitu format cv kronologi terbalik, kombinasi, dan juga fungsional. Tentunya setiap tipe format CV lamaran kerja memiliki keunggulan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Kamu harus melihat mana format yang paling sesuai dengan pengalaman yang kamu miliki dan juga keperluan perusahaan. Artikel dibawah ini akan membahas secara detil mengenai setiap format CV beserta dengan keunggulan

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