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Resume & CV
Jan 7th 2023

Macam-macam Hobi untuk Melamar Kerja dalam CV

takut. Tuliskan hobi pada CV pergantian karir dan tonjolkan soft skill yang dimiliki. (Contohnya: hobi menulis) Keuntungan menuliskan minat dan hobi dalam CV: Jika tidak memiliki pengalaman kerja ataupun organisasi yang banyak, kolom interest dan hobi dalam CV membantu mengisi CV Menunjukkan kualifikasi atau skill yang relevan dan berguna bagi pekerjaan kepada rekruter Menampilkan kehidupan diluar kantor ataupun sekolah yang berguna dengan pekerjaan Dimana buat CV online gratis? CakeResume! Tersedia 50+ template CV menarik untuk kalian. Register sekarang. Buat CV
Resume & CV
Apr 28th 2023

Bí kíp xin việc thành công với CV chuẩn ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

từ khóa bạn có thể trích xuất từ tin đăng tuyển gồm "mô tả nhiệm vụ công việc" và "yêu cầu về ứng viên". Trong đó, bạn nên phân rõ 2 loại kỹ năng là: kỹ năng chuyên môn (hard skills) và kỹ năng mềm (soft skills). Ví dụ về JD của chuyên viên nhân sự: Thực hiện công tác tuyển dụng gồm đăng tuyển, tìm nguồn cung ứng, thiết lập hệ thống lọc hồ sơ tự động, phỏng vấn
Resume & CV
Apr 15th 2022

How to List Technical Skills in a CV [with 160+ Examples]

the CV vary from industry to industry and profession to profession. Read on to learn more about what to write in technical skills in a CV and how to list them properly. What Are Technical Skills on a CV? Technical skills, also known as hard skills, are teachable and measurable abilities that are often geared towards a specific career. Technical skills often relate to mechanical, information technology, mathematical or scientific tasks. The key difference between technical skills and soft skills
Resume & CV
May 9th 2023

14 Contoh Soft Skill dan Hard Skill dalam CV yang Disukai HRD!

lebih banyak pelanggan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Contoh Soft Skill dalam CV Kebanyakan dari pelamar kerja menuliskan keterampilan teknis atau hard skill pada CV, namun melupakan salah satu hal yang paling penting, yaitu soft skill. Padahal, dikutip dari National Soft Skills Association , studi dari Harvard menunjukkan bahwa 85% kesuksesan seseorang berasal dari memiliki soft skill dan juga kemampuan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, dan hanya 15% datang dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis atau hard skills. Apa saja soft skill dalam CV
Industry & Job Overview
Apr 12th 2023

Apa itu Funding Officer? Tugas, Gaji, Syarat [+Contoh CV]

donasi, keanggotaan, dll. Mengelola administrasi tentang dana yang diterima dari nasabah. Melakukan manajemen informasi tentang pembelian dan penjualan. Mengelola laporan pajak. Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan para nasabah. Skill yang Dibutuhkan Funding Officer (FO) Sebagai kandidat funding officer, ada berbagai soft skills dan hard skills yang perlu kamu miliki untuk bisa melaksanakan jobdesk funding officer dengan baik, meliputi: ✅ Kemampuan Menggunakan Komputer Kemahiran dalam menggunakan komputer adalah kemampuan untuk menciptakan dokumen atau data menggunakan perangkat lunak komputer. Setidaknya, seorang funding
Resume & CV
Jan 18th 2022

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Resume Models & Formats [+ Examples]

in your document. 4. Skills Skills are important to show your abilities in your resume model. They show what you have acquired based on your experiences and if you are fit for the position. Here is an example of some skills for a doctors resume model: SKILLS Hard Skills : Medical Prescription Symptom Assessment Follow-up care Medical Research Treatment Administration Soft Skills : Emotional Intelligence Patience Attention to detail Teamwork Decision-making 5. Education Your education section does not take a
Resume & CV
Feb 21st 2022

How to Write a Perfect Lawyer Resume (with Examples and Tips)

legality and the legitimacy of transactions between corporations. Seeking a more dynamic environment to apply knowledge and expertise in business law. 5. Skills There are two types of skills you want to include on your lawyer resume, which are hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are measurable skills while soft skills are practical skills. Example of hard skills for a lawyer resume: Legal writing Foreign languages Professional responsibilities Wills and trusts Example of soft skills for a lawyer resume
Resume & CV
Mar 11th 2022

How to Write a Dancer Resume (Examples & Tips)

dance career plans. Dancer Resume Objective Example: Eager dance teacher with strong knowledge in lesson planning for an assortment of dances. Seeking a position as a dance instructor at Shine Academy to train dancers with more techniques. 5. Dancer Resume Skills Show your strengths through technical skills and soft skills in your dancer resume. Remember to organize the list of skills with bullet points. Dancer Resume Skills Examples: Stretching Confidence Creative 6. Dancer Resume Work Experience For each of the
Resume & CV
Mar 11th 2022

Federal Resume Guide with Examples

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to write an effective federal resume? What is a good objective for a federal employee resume? How to write a federal resume summary? What are some good skills for your federal resume? How to write a resume for public service jobs with no experience? Federal resume sample A government job can offer you many perks, such as full healthcare coverage, pensions, job security, and more. When you look through
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2022

Model Resume (Resume Examples, Samples, Tips)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn about: Format a Model Resume and Prepare for a Modeling Portfolio Choose the Proper Format for Your Model Resume Start with Contact Information and Basic Details Write an Impressive Model Resume Headline Craft a Professional Modeling Bio Summary Statement Include Essential Skills for Your Modeling Resume Showcase Your Modeling Experience in a Resume List Educational Qualifications and Background Extra Section to Highlight Personal Traits or Achievements  Craft a Convincing Cover Letter for Your Modeling

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